Chapter 1074 Heather’s Training!

Chapter 1074 Heather’s Training!

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——————————————— 4K words

Susan made good on her promise. They made it to school before seven forty.

Alan was amazed at how it happened. One minute, he was stillsucking and fondling his mother’s nipples and feeling his sister’s pussywalls squeeze around his prick, and the next minute the two women hadpractically carried him to the bathroom and then toweled him off afterless than thirty seconds in the shower. Then, in literally less thananother minute, his clothes were put on for him, and he was whisked outthe front door, still half-wet from his «shower.» Everything had beentaken care of. They even brought a toothbrush and glass of water in thecar for him to brush his teeth.

He sat in the back with Katherine, and she kept his boner»warm» on the ride to school by sucking on it as it poked through hisfly while he dried his hair, brushed his teeth, and so forth. From thefront seat, Susan kept up a banter about how hot and wet all of this wasmaking her.

He was mightily impressed at their efforts to help him, andhe vowed to do something nice for both of them soon to show hisappreciation. He mulled over different gift ideas as they made their wayto school.

Needless to say, he was in a wonderful mood as he ran to thetheater room, his erection still throbbing in his shorts. But that moodwas punctured as soon as he arrived, because Heather looked absolutelylivid.

Alan had told them he would be there at seven-thirty and hewas ten minutes late. Had it been anyone but him she would have verballyripped the person’s head off at first glance. However, she constrainedherself, because she was anxious to have her Bitch Tamer put a BitchTrainer in her ass, and she realized that chewing out him would be verycounterproductive to that all-important goal. She was so eager for itthat she hopped from foot to foot as if she had ants in her pants.

As it was, Heather restricted herself to intense seething. Iflooks could kill, Alan would have died right there, because if therewas one thing she hated, it was having to wait. Worse, she had the keyto the room she wanted to get into, but she couldn’t use it because shecouldn’t let him know that she had it. At least, not yet.

Simone, on the other hand, was rather amused by the situationand shot Alan a lopsided grin. Normally, she would have been a bitupset at him being late, but that emotion was more than overwhelmed bythe enjoyment of watching Heather quietly fume. She almost wished hewould have arrived later, just so she could see Heather go completelyballistic. Simone had many years of abuse from Heather to work through.

He caught his breath, looked up and down the hall to see ifanyone was looking, then lightly kissed both Heather and Simone on theircheeks.

They were both very surprised at this public display ofaffection, small though it was. Alan simply never took chances likethat. It threw them both off their game a bit, as he’d hoped it would.They were both so surprised that they forgot to say hello.

Then he said to Heather, «My, you’re looking good thismorning. Nice outfit. You too, Simone. Yummy.» He leered at both of themand licked his lips. That was shocking for them yet again. Then heopened the door.

He had good reason to compliment them, because both of themlooked great. Actually, that was one reason why Heather was so pissedoff. She’d gone to unusual lengths that morning to make herself lookgood. She’d preened and prettied herself, and fussed over what she wouldwear, as if she was going to the homecoming ball to be declaredHomecoming Queen. In the end, she’d worn her five inch high heels(again), an extremely short brown leather skirt, and a loose and verylow cut blue top with no bra underneath. The top practically begged oneto peek in and have a very good look around.

She was quite possibly more scandalously dressed than she’dever dressed at school before, which was saying a lot. She was upset atherself for going to such great lengths just because she was going tomeet Alan, and doubly upset that in return he disrespected her byshowing up late.

She was also miffed that he dressed no differently today thanhe always did. It particularly rankled her because it showed hissuperior position over her — he knew she wanted him so much that hedidn’t even need to bother to dress nice. To make matters worse, he wasright. Her body was all worked up already, with her nipples erect, herpussy moist, and her heart racing fast.

Simone had dressed just as casually as she always did, too.She wore her usual sneakers, blue jeans, and T-shirt. The onlydifference was that, feeling outdone by Heather, she’d tied a knot inher white T-shirt to expose her very toned and muscular abdominals. Sheenjoyed being with Alan, but she wasn’t in love with him like Heatherwas, so she saw no need to go to great lengths to look good.

As Alan closed the door, he whistled in appreciation againand said, «Did I miss something? I thought today was Wednesday, notFriday.»UppTodat𝒆d fr𝒐m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

Both Heather and Simone were confused by this comment. ButHeather, still fuming and looking for a chance to get a dig in about himbeing late, said in a nasty voice, «Obviously you have a very fucked upsense of time.»

He just smiled as if he wasn’t bothered in the slightest,which was true. He was still on an emotional and erotic high from histime with Susan and Katherine and not much could faze him at the moment.He said in a deliberately bright voice, «Do I? I’m just confusedbecause I’m thinking from the way you’re dressed that it must be GropeNaked Heather Day, and you know those only happen on Fridays.»

He reached forward and down and casually stuck a hand between Heather’s thighs. He cupped her pussy as if he owned it.

Heather gasped, both by her recollection of the wonderfulGrope Naked Heather Day fantasy he’d spelled out for her last Thursday,and at his impetuous manner of grabbing her crotch like she was nothingbut a sexual object. She hated it, but she loved it more. She thrust herpussy into his palm.

But her anger didn’t fade easily. She muttered menacingly, «Some nerve you have, just waltzing in here like that.»

Before she could say more, he led the crotch of her underwearaside and thrust two fingers up her pussy. Her pussy had not yet fullylubricated, because it had happened so fast, but it didn’t stay that wayfor too many seconds.

He yanked her skirt down with one pull using his other hand,and then commented, «Ah. Butt floss. Excellent choice, my Bitchslut.»Sure enough, she was wearing a microscopically thin pink thong. The onlyplace it showed any significant fabric at all was right over her pussy,or at least it had before he pulled it aside.

Simone had to stifle a laugh as she watched a range of conflicting expressions cross Heather’s face.

Finally, Heather simply bit her lip.

Simone was impressed at the speed with which Alan had takenthe situation in hand. She began to wiggle out of her own extremelytight jeans.

Alan, meanwhile, continued to act fast while Heather reeledwith confusion. He yanked her blue top up past her boobs and onto hershoulders. Then he roughly fondled a tit with one hand and continued topump his fingers into her moistening pussy with the other. «Nice. I wasjust looking at the two of you and thinking how nice it would be to getat the candy underneath these wrappers.» He leered at her. «You looklike a particularly tasty and ripe bitch.»

«How dare-» Heather began to bark, but she stopped abruptlybecause he slapped her hard on the butt. Her micro-miniskirt was in apile around her feet and the butt floss down her ass crack coverednothing, so the smacking sound of skin on skin reverberated around theroom quite loudly.

Then, in a very dexterous move, he took his hand from herrichly tanned ass and grabbed her by the ponytail. He yanked her headdown while his other hand pressed up against and into her pussy. Thisforced her to bend over until her body was at a perfect right angle,with her ass sticking high up in the air. It happened so fast that shehad no time to defend herself. He didn’t even plan to do it, it justhappened spontaneously.

Heather was more flabbergasted than ever before in her life. She was too stunned to speak and her body froze into place.

Taking advantage of that, he let go of her ponytail andbrought his free hand around her torso until he found her tits again.They hung down low, like the udders on a cow. He began to knead themwith one hand, but kept pumping her pussy with the other.

Simone was astounded. Good Lord! He yanked her by the ponytail and lived to tell the tale! She didn’t even complain! Wow, that’s hot!

He told Heather in an authoritative tone, «Now. That’sbetter. This is how a bitchslut should present herself to her master,isn’t it? … Isn’t it?» He waited for an answer, and when none came, hedrew his hand away from her dangling tits and then spanked them withanother loud smack.

«Ow! That hurt!» Heather bitched, but if anything, her bodywas even stiffer and her ass was even higher than before. The angerstill burned within her, but her lust had taken over completely. Herpussy was wet and throbbing with need, but her asshole needed attentioneven more.

«Aren’t you forgetting the magic word?» he reminded her.

«Ow, that hurt, Sir,» she belatedly remembered.

Incredible! Simone thought. This can’t be happening! What a trip!

He drew his hand back a great distance then let a great slap hit her ass. This one was much harder than the first.

«What?!» Heather complained. She was much angrier now thanwhen he had arrived, but it annoyed her greatly that she couldn’t doanything about it since her body needed him so badly. It was all shecould do not to fall to the floor and beg with every fiber of her beingfor him to royally fuck her.

He spanked her tits again and then went back to groping them.»No. Not ‘what?’ Not ‘Ow, that hurt, Sir.’ You should have saidinstead, ‘Thank you, Sir! May I please have another? Sir?’ That wouldshow the right attitude. And what kind of attitude is that, mybitchslut?»

The hot cheerleader had her head bent down, looking at thefloor, which was good because she was too embarrassed to look anyone inthe face. She hated that Simone was watching all this. But she blushedand closed her eyes nonetheless.

Dammit! He’s bested me again! I can’t… can’t think! Toohot! … But no! No! He thinks he’s bested me, but not this time! Not…UGH! I’m gonna cum! He’s only groping my breasts and already I need tocum so badly! But once I cum, that’s it! Once I cum, I’m gonna tear intohim and show him who REALLY is the boss around here! But until then,God, I LOVE IT when he treats me like this!

She said in a very quiet voice, «Um, I’m uh, I’m here, mybody is here, to… to… to serve your pleasure, Sir. I am here foryour amusement. Sir.»

Simone thought, Fuck me! I’ve officially entered some alternate universe. But this is great! Watching Heather get taken down is super hot!

He raised his eyebrow and even opened his mouth withsurprise, because he wasn’t expecting her to give in that easily. He wasglad Heather couldn’t see his reaction. He thought, Dang, how doesthis kind of thing happen? I had no idea what I was going to do before Icame in here; I didn’t even think about it. Somehow, I always seem toinstinctively know just how to treat her. But what she just saidsurprises even me.

He quickly recovered, and said in the deep and authoritativetone he’d taken to using whenever Heather was around, «Yes. Very good.Very good indeed. Just for that, I’m not going to spank your ass untilyou cry and beg for mercy, like I was planning to do for your impetuouscomments a minute ago. You are here for my amusement.»

She moaned loudly, like he’d just smacked her ass as hard as he could. She sounded distressed, but highly aroused.

Encouraged, he went on, «Exactly. Your whole body, its entirepurpose, is to serve me and make me feel good. As such, the next time Isee you, and every time I see you until I tell you to stop, I want youto greet me just like this: bent over at a perfect right angle, withyour butt floss askew, and your tits completely exposed.»

Inwardly, Heather was burning up with anger while, outwardly,her body and pussy burned with lust. Her whole body visibly shuddered.She thought, I’ll get you for this, Alan! I swear to God, if there’sone thing I’m gonna do, I will get my revenge! I’m going to make YOUbend over and beg, you worthless fuck! That’s right! I’m not going toTAKE this shit! Fuck YOU!

But the words were only to herself. While her mind rebelled,her body had different intentions altogether. Her body only knew how toobey such a firm hand and strong masculine voice. She found herselfnodding slightly, and then realized with horror that she would do it. The next time I see him, I’ll greet him willingly just like I am now, no matter where I am, no matter who I’m with! It’s true!

It was such an intoxicating and arousing thought that herwhole body trembled with excitement again and she struggled to stay bentover. She tottered precariously on her very high heels.

She found herself asking, «But Sir! What if the next time Isee you is in public? Or the time after that? Certainly you can’t expectme to act like this in public?! … Uh, Sir!»

He pondered that for a minute while he continued to fondle her shaking tits and pussy.

Simone was also pondering that as she stared at Heather with complete surprise. Whatthe hell?! She even agrees to that?! I truly can’t believe what I’mseeing. What’s his trick? What’s his angle? Why isn’t Heather up andslugging him in the face for such audacity? I just don’t get it. Butseeing her submit like that is really turning me on! All the times Iwanted to put her in her place for being such a raging bitch… not Ican, through him!

Heather’s body had really gotten into the rough treatment andher hips began thrusting back into Alan’s hand. This caused her tits towobble and sway in the most delightful ways, which made the groping ofthem that much more fun.

Finally, he replied, «Hmmm. Good point. I guess that’ll be aninteresting sight to see. I usually see you between third and fourthperiods as you’re leaving Glory’s class and I’m entering it. It’ll beinteresting to see how she reacts today when you yank your top up andpresent your naked ass to me like the bitchslut that you are.»

«NoooOOOOoooo!» Heather shrieked as she stayed bent over likeher life depended on it. «Not in Ms. Rhymer’s class! Please! Not that!I’ll do anything!» Her chest was heaving even more, thanks to hiscomments.

«But you already will do anything for me, won’t you? So yourwords mean nothing… I’ll tell you what. Just because your ‘here for myamusement’ answer was so good, I’ll give you a break. You still have tobend over, and of course call me ‘Sir’ at all times, but you can keepyour top on in public places. For now… And, hell. I’m in an unusuallygood mood today. You don’t have to stay bent over the whole time you’retalking to me. Just ten seconds should be long enough.»

«But Sir! If I bend over like I am now, everyone is going tosee my ass! My completely naked ass! Everyone would be able to seeeverything, what with this stupid useless butt floss! … Sir!» She letout an audible sigh of relief as she belatedly remembered to say «Sir.»She shuddered in near orgasmic delight as she both feared and lookedforward to see what he might do next if she broke the rules again.

He replied calmly, «You’ll just have to make sure your ass is facing the wall when you see me in public, then.»

Suddenly he heard Simone burst into laughter somewhere behindhim. He’d gotten so caught up in dealing with Heather that he’dcompletely forgotten Simone was there. He disengaged from Heather andturned to look at Simone.

Not only was Simone laughing, but she’d actually started toclap with glee. She was overjoyed by what she heard and saw. Shecouldn’t get over how Alan could treat Heather. For everyone else,Heather was relentlessly domineering and bitchy, but Alan seemed tosomehow magically flip a switch inside her friend and control her likeshe was a living doll. Simone loved it. She felt it was payback time forall the countless times Heather had others in the position Alan had herin now, although usually Heather had others metaphorically fucked inthe ass instead of literally so.

Heather had been attempting to pull her butt floss down herthighs, but her hands were so shaky with excitement that she couldn’tmanage to get them down very far. Bending down enough to get them wouldbe a risky attempt given her five-inch heels, so she gave up theattempt. Her helplessness in accomplishing such a simple task somehowonly aroused her still further.

This can’t be happening to me! And in front of my best friend! She’ll lose all respect!

She turned her attention to Simone. She raised her head andfound her across the room. The busty blonde glared and said, «Shut up!What’s so funny?! Simone, I don’t like how he is making you all… Well,I don’t know… Just like … You don’t know your place anymore!»

Because Heather was unable to insult Alan, she had to abusesomebody, and Simone was the only other target. Plus, she did reallyfeel Simone had become too emboldened. It had nothing to do with skincolor — everyone was inferior to Heather in Heather’s eyes.

But her words didn’t exactly go over well. Simone replied inan exaggerated Southern accent, «Oooh! Missa Heathe’! Yes’m! Simonegoin’ go back to cotton fields, where she done belong! She don’t wannabother Missa Heathe’ none!» She bowed repeatedly and abjectly as sheslowly backed away from Heather like the lowliest plantation slave. But,as the three of them knew, her performance was entirely sarcastic.

Alan slapped Heather’s ass again, hard. Then he slapped hertits a couple of times, but not very hard; he just liked to watch themsway back and forth. Finally, he said, «Heather. Shame on you. Simone isright. She’s no one’s slave. Not even mine. Not yet.»

He shot Simone a mischievous look as he said «Not yet» — his «Bad Alan» side had the upper hand at the moment.

He turned back to the drooping and dripping Heather and heldher ponytail tightly, yanking on it. He continued in a nearly menacingtone, «When you insult Simone, you insult me. It’s that simple. WhetherI’m there or not. Simone is obliged to report any slight to me so youcan be properly punished. It’s all part of your Inner Bitch Training, orhad you forgotten why we’re all here? Now, you keep your pussy warmwith your fingers. I need to inspect Simone.» He walked away.

Heather stayed bent at a perfect right angle, even though herbody had gotten very tired of the position and it was agony to staylike that with the heels she wore, because he hadn’t told her to dootherwise. And the more he ruled over her, the more she wanted to obeyand be fucked by him, and only him.