Chapter 1079 Susan and Brenda

Chapter 1079 Susan and Brenda

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Brenda was extremely happy. She’d just had the pleasure of watching avideo recorded earlier in the morning of Alan, Susan, and Katherineengaged in a mini-orgy on Susan’s bed. Susan was so happy abouteverything that happened that she couldn’t help but show the video toSuzanne and Brenda as soon as they came over. Alan had temporarilyforgotten that things like that could be recorded unless he askedotherwise, but Susan certainly had not. In fact, the sense that camerasalways watched her and recorded her every move was one of the thingsthat kept Susan nearly constantly horny.

Brenda was extremely happy for several other reasons. Forone, today was her big day. It was planned that tonight she would beformally introduced to Alan as the new family sex slave. She was aboutto begin her new life as a «maid,» working five days a week on fairlynormal nine-to-three business hours, except that she’d work Saturdaysand not Tuesdays. (She planned to be home by three most days becausethat’s when Adrian got out of school.)

Susan and Suzanne had picked out a French maid outfit thatshe absolutely loved. Even though it covered up most of her upper torso,it left her breasts, ass, and pussy completely exposed for easy access.

There would be no pay for her work, and she would have to doreal housework much of the time, but that’s exactly how she wanted it.The issue of pay didn’t matter to her since she considered herselfproperty of her master. She loved how Suzanne put it when she explainedto her, «You’ll be paid in freshly deposited Alan sperm. Your tastyreward will ‘cum’ in times, locations, and amounts of your master’schoosing, of course.»

Real money meant almost nothing to her since she was so rich, but every drop of her master’s cum was precious.

Furthermore, Brenda was delighted that at the start of theday, the others had deigned to ask her to watch the newly-made sexvideo. Susan and Suzanne, quite possibly her two favorite people in theworld outside her house except for Alan, not only gave her thatkindness, but then they invited her to join them in their morningexercises. It was all too much excitement and happiness for her.

Susan and Brenda fondled each other all over while theywatched the video, which naturally made Brenda even giddier. They seemedto love nothing better than to rub their bare chests into each otherall day long.

Suzanne, though, seemed strangely detached and silent. She didn’t even fondle herself, or at least, not as much as usual.

Once the video was over, the three super busty mothers all changed into their workout clothes and went down to the basement gym.

Suzanne spent a long time showing Brenda how the variousmachines worked, and Brenda found that both informative and filled withsexual fun.

Susan seemed quite frisky and kept touching Brenda all over,since Suzanne continued to come across as strangely moody despite hercontinued efforts to explain things to Brenda.

Before long, both Susan and Brenda had big wet stains over the crotches of their outfits.

Brenda noticed that Susan had two wet spots on her shirt overher nipples, which aroused Brenda to no end. One of Brenda’s deepestdreams and fantasies was to be fully accepted into the Plummer familyand be treated as one of the Plummer children. That would make Susan andSuzanne both her mothers, even though at thirty-five, Brenda was onlytwo years younger than Susan and four years younger than Suzanne.

Brenda knew her fantasy could never be a reality since shehad her own son. But still, the idea of suckling milk from her «mother»held a profound Freudian hold on her, and the sight of Susan lactatingpractically made her dizzy with arousal and pure joy. This morning, shesimply couldn’t keep her hands off of Susan’s chest. Far from beingjealous, she was overjoyed at the news that Susan’s breasts had swollenup to 38I. (Had Susan’s breasts actually reached Brenda’s J-cup size,then the jealousy would have kicked in in a big way, but even thenBrenda’s tits visibly protruded from her chest significantly furtherthan everyone else’s so she didn’t have much reason to worry.)

They got started on their exercises, but they hadn’t been atit for more than a minute when Suzanne interrupted them. «Hold on. I’vegot something to get off my chest before we start. It’s something that Iwant to say to Susan. But I’m thinking, Brenda, it’ll be good if youhear it, too.» She dropped a barbell and sat down.

The other two similarly made themselves comfortable on their exercise machines.

Suzanne looked at Susan crossly. «It’s about this morning’svideo. For one, Sweetie didn’t even know you’d be watching that. I don’tthink that’s right. You should at least let him know that you’re goingto watch something like that and that you’re going to share it withothers, as a common courtesy, don’t you think?»

Susan quickly nodded. «You’re right. You’re completely right. Sorry.»

«Good. But that’s just a minor thing. That’s not what’sbothering me. What’s bothering me is what’s on the video. You and Angel,the two of you seem to be trying to outdo each other in worshipping himand his long, fat cock!»

There was a long pause. Both Susan and Brenda looked at each other and blinked owlishly in stupefaction.

Finally, Susan asked with confusion, «And that’s a bad thing?»

Brenda was so puzzled at what the problem with that might be that she was struck speechless.

Suzanne rolled her eyes at the two gorgeous mothers. «Ofcourse that’s a bad thing! You see, THAT’S the problem: you don’t evensee there’s a problem. Susan, there’s such a thing as balance. His lifeis all out of whack. You can kill someone with kindness just as quicklyas with cruelty. Have you not been listening the past few days whenwe’ve been discussing issues of taking responsibility? Showing balance?Having a backbone? Remember that word: backbone. That’s the operativeword. Where’s the backbone in this video? I see a bone, a perpetuallyhard and constantly sucked and fucked bone, but no backbone. Emperorsand sultans have a rougher time of it than the way you treated him. I’msurprised one of you didn’t brush his teeth for him, for crying outloud!»

Susan blushed. Actually, she would have gladly brushed histeeth for him, except that he’d been in the back seat of the familyminivan on the way to school while she drove. Since Katherine sat nextto him and had her head in his lap as she blew him most of the way toschool, he had been forced to brush his teeth himself.

Susan thought it best not to mention any of that and defendedherself, «But he was late. He said he needed to sleep in. We were justtrying to help! Not only that, but what about his never-ending spermbuildup crisis? You can’t possibly think I’d let him go to school withall that sperm swelling inside his balls, do you? That would be cruel!»

Suzanne rolled her eyes. «I know. Your intentions were good.But think of the effect so much love and affection will have. As sure asnight follows day, he’s going to get spoiled. He’s going to come toexpect that kind of treatment. Then he’ll demand it. Before long, it’llno longer be fun for you or anyone else to serve an arrogant assholehand and foot, on your knees.»

Realizing what she’d just said, she clarified, «Yes, I knowhow much you love kneeling naked for him for most any reason, butespecially to suck his cock. If he turns into ‘Bad Alan’ all the waythough, you’ll come to even dislike doing that too.»

Susan thought, No! Never! But she kept quiet.

Suzanne went on, «No matter how bad he gets, with his sexualprowess, you’ll please him anyway, and live a life of quiet desperation,grateful for whatever tiny scraps of kindness and attention you can getfrom him.»

«And of course, the never-ending gallons of cum that he’llpump into all of my holes,» Susan noted. «I imagine I would be gratefulfor that, regardless.»

«True. But by and by, he’ll turn into a monster. And if he’s amonster, it’ll ruin Amy’s and Katherine’s lives as well. I tell you, Isee the seeds of it already. Little cracks in the armor of the goodperson he is, here and there. Not much, he’s pretty much still the oldSweetie we love so much, but he’s changing. And it’s thanks to thingslike what you did this morning.»

Susan frowned and asked, «So, what would you have done, ifthat had been you and Amy in that situation instead of me and Katherine?A, he needed a good night’s sleep; B, he needed to eat breakfast andget ready for school; and C, he needed to get fucked and play withbig-titted babes.» She smiled, adding, «Lactating big-titted milky mommybabes, I should point out.» (She tried not to mention lactation toSuzanne and Brenda, knowing it could be grounds for more jealousy, butsometimes her enthusiasm got the best of her.) «What would you cut out?»

Suzanne chuckled a bit. «First of all, he didn’t ‘need’ to doall of those things. He would have survived if he missed any of those.And fucking and playing with ‘big-titted babes’ is not a need foranyone, not even for him. It’s a want, a luxury.»

Brenda’s mouth gaped open. She felt like someone had punchedher in the gut, hearing what she considered to be heretical words fromSuzanne.

Susan fought back, «But fucking IS a need for him! Are youforgetting his six-times-a-day diagnosis just because he’s beenaveraging over six times a day with ease? He needs to be constantlystimulated to keep up such a frantic pace. He absolutely NEEDSbig-titted babes at his constant beck and call! It’s a medicalnecessity!»

Suzanne of course knew that his medical diagnosis was afabrication that she had engineered, but she couldn’t say that. To evendiscuss it was dangerous, as she didn’t want Susan or anyone else tohave any doubts. She shrugged. «Okay, conceded. It would be a very goodthing to get him to cum before he goes to school. But it’s still not aneed. If you forget, his whole medical problem in the first place didn’treally rise to the level of need. And theoretically, there’s no lawthat says he couldn’t do something like masturbate to reach his target.»

From Brenda’s point of view, the masturbation comment was too much crazy talk for her to take. She gasped out loud.

Suzanne heard the gasp and turned her way, since Brendahappened to be on an exercise machine in a different part of the roomthan the other two when the conversation began. «What, Brenda? Is thatreally so impossible to believe?»Finnd 𝒏ew chapters on n𝒐ve/lbi𝒏(.)com

Brenda stammered and gaped, then finally answered, «Well,yes! What about the Big Tits Theory? According to the first thesis ofthe Big Tits Theory, a big-titted-«

Suzanne interrupted as she held up a silencing hand. «Holdon! Right now, I’m banning the Big Tits Theory from our discussions.Period. That theory is nothing but a sexual fantasy and you know it.Well, at least, I hope you know it, Susan. Let’s deal with reality,because we have a very real problem with him.»

«Problem, Mistress Suzanne?» Brenda asked, batting her bigbrown eyes. She’d missed most of the earlier discussions on this issue,and she still couldn’t see any problem at all. She only saw a wonderful,loving family of incredibly attractive people who she wanted to spendthe rest of her life keeping sexually satisfied. In particular, she had adedication to keeping Alan’s cock well drained that bordered on thedevoutly religious.

«Think about someone who wins the lottery,» Suzanneexplained, mostly to Susan, since she figured Brenda to be a lost cause.»They get millions and millions of dollars. It doesn’t sound like aproblem — who sheds a tear for a lottery winner, right? ‘Give me abreak, I should be so lucky,’ is what most people would say. But it is aproblem, in fact, lots of big problems. Once the excitement wears off,most people have to deal with a whole host of new worries. Old friendsand family come out of the woodwork trying to get a piece of the money.Con artists and outright thieves appear out of nowhere. The person can,and usually does, change for the worse. The money spoils them. Corruptsthem. Ruins them. The bigger the winnings, the more likely the problems.Believe it or not, it can often be a curse, if the person can’t handletheir fortune. It’s a bona fide fact that more than 80 percent oflottery winners end up bankrupt within the first five years.»

She let that sink in, then continued, «Now, think of Alan.He’s basically won a sexual lottery in life. All kinds of bad things canhappen to him unless he’s got the smarts and maturity and loved ones tohelp him do the right thing.»

«But he does!» Susan protested. «He’s got all that and more!Are you not his mother now, too? Are you not proud of him? He’s justabout the most mature, smart, and loving eighteen year old in the wholewide world! Not only that, but he’s so sexually talented, so burstingwith all that tasty sperm that just demands to be splattered acrossbusty chests and gobbled down my throat, I mean our throats, that itmakes me dizzy and giddy just to think about it!»

Her hips started squirming around in excitement as shecontinued nearly breathlessly, «He can handle anything. Who are we, ashis big-titted sexual playthings, to question his wisdom or tell himwhat to do? Sure, as his mother, I try my best to encourage him, to suckhis cock, to love him, spread my legs to receive his seed, give himadvice, offer him the bounty of my chest, bend over so he can fuck myass, and support him any other way I can, just like any good mothershould. What more can I do?»

Brenda did not feel it was her role to butt in on thisimportant conversation between her natural superiors, but she nodded herhead enthusiastically at what Susan said, which set her tremendous barebreasts bouncing.

Suzanne just sighed. «I figured you’d say something likethat. But don’t you see? He is very talented. Exceptionally talented inevery way. He’s quickly learned how to say and do the right thing, andhow to fuck a woman in just the right way to leave her willing to doanything and everything he wants to get fucked like that again. He’seven done it to me. In fact, he’s done it to just about every gorgeousand sexy woman he knows.»

She muttered very quietly under her breath, «And to think, hewas a virgin just two months ago. I created a monster, not that Iregret it.»

She sighed, then continued, «But therein lies the rub. Atfirst I was content to just let him handle things, since he was doing sowell. But he’s too good. He’s too lucky. Too talented. He’s rising togreater and greater heights of sexual prowess. But the higher you rise,the harder you fall. Nobody could be put in the situation he’s in andnot let it go to his head. It’s only been two months and theramifications of all the changes haven’t really hit him yet. Just giveit some time. Eventually he’ll turn into a horrible caricature ofhimself, and we’ll be too sexually in his thrall to do anything aboutit.»

«That sounds horrible!» Susan said with genuine concern. «But what are we supposed to do about it?»