Chapter 107 «Aftermath»

Iota falls to his knees staring at his severed hands, hyperventilating.


I- I- I-

Zaire runs to Iota’s side.


Master! Are you alright?

Iota is catatonic.


(He’s in shock.)

Zaire looks at Iota’s profusely bleeding wrists.


Master, you’re in no condition to continue. We must leave immediately.

Iota doesn’t respond.


(This isn’t good.)

Zaire’s mark of Iota begins to glow. He rolls up his sleeve to see it disappear.


(And neither is this.)

Zaire looks up at the crowd of Iota’s followers as their marks disappear as well.


(An era is over.)

Everyone is in celebration after seeing Iota’s hands chopped off.


YEAH! Hayze got him!


He… he stopped him. How’s he supposed to fight now?


He got revenge for Colossus!


Look at that guy! He can’t even fathom what just happened!


(You flew too close to the sun, Ivan.)

Ewing breathes a sigh of relief.


(And so ends his conquest… for now.)

Hayze kneels due to exhaustion.


(Got him! Too bad I have no clue what comes next.)

Zaire stands up and looks at the crowd.


Master Iota is critically injured. It is time for us to retreat.

Zaire opens warp gates next to all of the followers.


Why don’t beat the shit out of the guy that just injured Master!

Zaire looks at Hayze.


(He’s unable to stand, and he’s breathing heavily, he is an easy kill right now.)

Hayze pulls out his other shock saber.


If you want to fight, I’m willing to take a few of you down with me.

Zaire looks at Iota.


(With Master unavailable, it’s my call.)

Zaire thinks for a moment.


(Master may want to use Khaos again in the future, so it’s better to let him live.) You can go now.

Zaire creates a warp gate beneath Hayze, and he falls through it.


What the hell, Zaire! He just maimed Master, and you’re going to let him leave!

The crowd boos.


Shut your mouths.

They stop booing and look at Jagger.


Zaire is second in command of this movement. Master is severely injured right now, which means we follow Zaire’s orders, or at least that’s what Master would want us to do. You wouldn’t want to upset him now, would you?

They all start looking around at each other.


I- I guess not.

Zaire clears his throat to get their attention.


Now, please, return to base. I will provide an update on Master’s condition once he receives medical attention.

They all reluctantly agree and leave. Signal is among them, which ends the stream everyone on Earth had.


Now then, your turn, Master.


*under his breath* The rings…

Zaire looks at Iota’s severed hands. He takes the Omega and Iota rings off them and places them in Iota’s lab coat pocket.


Now, be safe.

Zaire opens a warp gate beneath Iota, and he falls through it.


One left.

Zaire walks over to Ivy, who is lying in the dirt.


Hello, Ivy.


He… he was going to kill me… wasn’t he?

Zaire stares at Ivy.


If it was necessary to complete the mission, yes.

Tears fall from Ivy’s eyes.


What happens next?


That’s for you to decide. Master has discarded you, which means you no longer are one of us. In addition, Master has lost his control of the Iota Ring, but you don’t possess any information that would be a detriment to Master Iota. So, you have a choice. I can send you back to Earth to live whatever life you can, or I can kill you.

Ivy stares at the Earth.


What is there for me to live for if my Master has abandoned me? I’m worthless, I’m weak, and nobody cares about me. I’m also a criminal… I’d just be on the run the whole time.


Might I remind you that nobody has ever seen your face outside of the movement?


That’s not true. Those four guards I told you about… I never killed them.


I did.


Wh- what?


Master wanted to make sure you’d stay out of trouble when he needed you to coerce Khaos to join his side. So, he sent me to kill those guards. Without your mask on, you’re just some ordinary girl. Nobody would know who you were.

Ivy thinks for a moment.


Even still… I have nothing to live for.


Did you ever get to talk to “him?”

Ivy’s eyes widen.


No… I did not.


Then maybe you could finish that business, and if you don’t like the result, you can make that the end of your journey. Either way, it’s your choice whether you live or die.

Ivy thinks for a moment.


I… I… I guess I’ll live… for now.

Zaire kneels next to Ivy and removes her mask.


Zaire, tell me the truth. How do I look?


You’re beautiful, Ivy. Goodbye.

Zaire opens a warp gate beneath Ivy, and she falls through. Zaire looks at Colossus’ body and Iota’s severed hands.


(One represents Master’s victory while the other represents his defeat. I don’t know what comes next, but I will stay by my Master's side through this dark time.)

He creates another warp gate and steps through it.


(Mission: Failed.)

Vulcan faces off against a clone.



Vulcan coats his fists in magma.


Just shut up. I’m tired of hearing that.

The clone charges at Vulcan.



Vulcan grabs the clone and places it into a chokehold.



Vulcan smashes the clone face-first into the ground, melting its neck away and eventually decapitating it.


*breathing heavily* I think that… was the last one.

Vulcan looks around as the streets are eerily quiet.


(Where are the others?)

Vulcan walks down the streets of Nashville looking for another hero. He walks past the bodies of many clones, heroes, and civilians, including children. There is damage all around, buildings, cars, and the streets themselves. The city has been devastated. Finally, Vulcan reaches an intersection and spots Evergreen sitting next to a vehicle in the middle of the road.


Evergreen! What are you doing? It’s not like you to lounge around!

Vulcan approaches Evergreen. He notices her face is dirty, as if she’s been crying recently.


Evergreen? What’s wrong?

Vulcan kneels next to her.


Talk to me.

Evergreen slowly looks at Vulcan, and she starts tearing up.


He’s dead, Vulcan… he died.


What? Who died?



As Evergreen’s words hit Vulcan’s ears, his expression changes to shock.


Wh- what?

All of the civilians inside evacuation shelters begin exiting them as the threat has been lifted.


Ah… fresh air. It feels good.


It was getting a little stuffy down there.

Demetri and Isaiah come crawling out of the shelter covered in wounds.


Wh- what happened to you guys?


You look terrible!


People kept mistaking us for floor mats…


It was dark down there, you know?


But… Why were you guys on the floor?

Demetri and Isaiah look at each other.


We tripped.


Both of you?

Demetri and Isaiah look at each other.




They were trying to peep up skirts.

Angel, Zach, Gus, and Jace:


Eve kicks them both back down the ladder.

Demetri and Isaiah:


Eve slams the hatch.




So… what do we do now?

They all look around at each other. Nobody says anything.


Go back home, be with your families, and make sure everyone is okay. You may be heroes in training, but now isn’t a good time to learn about the aftermath of a crisis. Don’t interfere with the heroes or police. If you need help, call 911. Otherwise, stay safe, understand?

They all nod.


Then go.

Everyone disperses.


And where are you going?


I’m a hero, but I’m also a teacher. I’m heading back to U.A. to see if there’s any help needed there. If there isn’t, I’m heading into the city to assist with cleaning up. Why do you ask?


Well, you said my sister would arrive at the shelter shortly after us, and she never did. I need to go back to U.A. to make sure nothing happened. Can I accompany you?

Adrian thinks for a moment.


Yes, that’s fine. I need to find out what happened with that as well…

Kevin leaves the area alone. He looks down at his hands.


(Those things killed so many people… and they were just like me. They were clearly clones of some kind, but when did-)

Kevin flashes back to when he and Justus faced off against Ivy in the woods.


(The doctors did say I was light on blood after that, I thought it was due to my wounds, but what if… what if she got my blood and they used that to create clones of me?)

Kevin stops.


(If that’s what my quirk is capable of, if I continue to get stronger… then I have to stop. Just because I can go above 30% doesn’t mean I should. Think about it… could I really beat Hayze? No doubt I’m stronger than him, even at 20% power, but that doesn’t matter. He wins his fights a different way, he’s strong physically, but the thing that makes him dangerous is his ability to outthink his opponents. When I’m at 60% or higher, I’m at my strongest, but I couldn’t devise a strategy to save my life. I rely entirely on the power boosts my quirk provides. At a certain point… it’s my quirk fighting, not me.)


So to the next generation of heroes, don’t remember me for my strength… remember me for what I represented. Don’t forget that you’re role models and inspire others to be the best they can be by simply being yourself. “

— Chapter 106


(I want to be the next greatest hero of all time, and I can’t just rely on the strength my quirk grants me to win. I’m not myself when I’m using the quirk. All this time, I’ve only fought to have fun.)


Because it would be a waste of my talent not to. I don’t have a thrilling backstory or motivation. I’m doing this because I know I should. I find it admirable that you do this because you enjoy it; I wish I could say the same. “

— Chapter 49


(I won’t lose sight of that, but it’s time I started getting serious. Jake was an unambitious slacker, but I’d never have been able to do what he did.)

Kevin clenches his fist.


(It’s time for me to adapt, it’s time for me to become a complete fighter, it’s time for me to surpass my peers.)

Wes sits down and stares at the building X was on.


Jake just… Jake is…


He’s dead.


GOD! Can you read a fucking room!


What? Are you sad?


YES! My fucking friend just died, and you’re talking all nonchalant!


Should I not be?




Verity, Jake is dead… that’s sad.

Verity looks at both of them.


I understand that, but you heard his final words. He was at peace.




He was happy with what he was doing, and he fulfilled his life’s dream of being a hero. He saved the lives of every single person in this city, us included. He went out with a smile on his face. If you ask me, being sad, mocks his sacrifice, I doubt any of us will die a more noble death than him, and despite us having longer hero careers, nothing we will likely ever do will match what he just did. He’s a greater hero than all of us, and that won’t be changing soon. His life was a success. We should be happy for him.


I don’t think you understand what death is about…


Do you?


Wh- what?

Verity approaches Wes.


Say I were to push you off this roof right now, that would be a sad death.


W- well yeah!


But not just because you died, but because it was meaningless. If you were to die right now, what would have you accomplished in your life? Nothing. And you died for nothing, so therefore you were nothing. On the other hand, Jake died, saving hundreds of thousands of lives. He made his life worth something. That should be celebrated, not cried over.

Wes doesn’t have a response.


(I guess she has a point… the only reason I’m sad is that he’s gone, but that’s more about me than him. Jake saved my life three times today… he died nobly and by his own choice. So who am I to make this about me?) I- I think I get what you mean…


Good, don’t be sad because you think that’s what you should be. Instead, be happy that he lived a good life, even if it was short.

Wes clenches his fist.


(Jake didn’t try to be the best hero he could be, but when the time came, he was ready to fill that role. I promise to do the same, Jake, to thank you for all those times you saved me.)

Justus wanders the streets with his head held low.


And to my son, Justus…

Justus’ eyes widen.


I’m sorry.

Iota punches his fist through Colossus’ back into his heart, killing him.

— Chapter 106


(He’s gone…)

Justus passes by the body of the clone he and Silver defeated.


(I spent all of those years resenting and hating him. I always thought he felt the same way about me… like I was his bastard son that tarnished his legacy. I thought his fame and fortune were more important to him than me, but… I was wrong. He cared about me, he wanted nothing more than to see me succeed, but he had a duty to uphold. He was the symbol of peace…


I was a beacon of hope, a signal for evil to fear. I kept people safe just by existing. Crime reached its all-time low because of me, and I always smiled in the face of my enemies. I represented a shift in people’s minds. Peace was always just a foreign concept until I arrived. People adored me not because I was strong but because I made them feel safe. “

— Chapter 106


(He was a hero for everyone… even if it meant he couldn’t be my hero. It had to have killed him, but what he did was for the betterment of everyone, and he couldn’t abandon that for his own selfish reasons.)

Justus punches a wall and cracks it.


(And I was too self-absorbed and foolish to see that! He had plenty of years left to be a hero. He didn’t need to start slowing down. He did it to attempt to rekindle his relationship with me, even though he knew I’d never forgive him or treat him like the father he was.)


Shut up, dad. I-


Don’t call me that!

Justus is taken aback.

Stolen content warning: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.


I gave up my right to be your dad a long time ago; I don’t deserve to be called that. Furthermore, I’m not here as your father; I’m here as Colossus. I know you’re probably tired of being lectured, but I wanted to give you some advice. “

— Chapter 23


(And he never forgave himself either.)

Justus finds the sewer grate he dropped the Omega Ring fragment down.


(All this time, I was trying to be different from him. I didn’t see him as the hero everyone else did, I didn’t want to be in his shadow.)

Justus rips the grate out of the ground and throws it away.


(I wanted to be a better hero than he ever was on my own, I didn’t want to be the next Colossus.)

Justus leaps into the sewer and starts looking around.


(I see now that I was a fool, I was lucky to have the greatest hero of all time as my father and potentially my mentor. But, I allowed my arrogance and ego to misguide me. I could be much stronger than I am now if I had just seen you for how you were rather than what I thought you were.)

Justus finds the Omega Ring fragment. He picks it up and wipes it off.


(My life’s goal was to surpass you and become the number one hero. That goal remains the same, but I’m not going to achieve it at your expense… I’ll do it in your honor.)


I wish I could have achieved that without the ring’s power, but that’s not what this was about. I kept people safe without moving a muscle, which should be every hero’s dream. “

— Chapter 106


(I’ll do it without the power of his pendant, I’ll become as strong as you were all on my own. I will represent the same values you did, I will be the next symbol of peace… dad.)

Justus climbs out of the sewer.


(I guess the saying is true… you don't know what you had until it's gone.)

Justus clenches the pendant tight.


(I won’t use this anymore, but this is the only gift I ever received from you. I’d be a fool to throw it away.)

Silver watches Justus from afar.


(I see… so that’s how you did it. That makes me feel better, but my goal is still the same. I have to be the next greatest hero.)

Back at U.A., Adrian arrived and calmed Fatal down. He’s comforting her on the stairs to the main entrance.


She’s gone, Adrian… he killed her.


I know… I’m sorry.


We were always apart, primarily because of our age, but I didn’t keep up a good enough relationship with her, despite everything she had done for me, and now she’s gone.

Adrian rubs Fatal’s back.


It’s okay… be happy about the time you had with her, don’t stress about the rest. You’re human, after all, it’s okay to make mistakes. She lived a good life and loved you regardless of your relationship.


I know… I just wish I had spent more time with her now that I know I’ll never see her again.

Walker approaches them with a laptop in hand.


Damien? Why do you have that?

Walker reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flash drive.


This was in her pocket. There’s only one file on it. It’s titled: “For Rachel.”



Walker plugs the flash drive into the laptop, opens the file, and hands it to Fatal.

Dr. Moore:

Dear Rachel, if you’re reading this, then I’m dead. I’m sorry that I did this to you, but it was the only choice I had. After today, the school will have to go public about the serum, which means the government will want it more than anything, and I can’t let that happen. I’ve caused Hayze, Saige, and you too much harm. The serum can never be used again. That’s why I had to die. I had to destroy everything that could be used to recreate it, including myself. I’m going to have Khaos kill me because I can’t bring myself to do it. I ask that you don’t hold this against Hayze. This isn’t his choice. I hope you live a happy and fulfilling life, you’re a fantastic hero, and I’ve admired you ever since the day you were born. I always wanted a sibling, and I was so happy when you came. I always wished we were closer in age so that we could have been better friends. I mean, I was off to college before you were even 10. I made this serum to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a hero, and I’m so glad I did. You’re my little sister, and nothing will ever change that, keep being you and never stop. I love you, Rachel.

P.S. Just go on a date with Adrian already. “

Fatal starts tearing up.


It’ll be okay.

Adrian wraps his arms around Fatal.


I want my sister!


I know… I know…

Walker watches with a somber expression.


(I’m not cut out for this…)

Ash, Blair, Saige, and Aster stand by themselves, away from the others.


I feel bad for Ms. Fatal… I hope she’ll be okay.


She’s a tough woman. I’m sure she will.


I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

Ewing walks over to them.


You four head home and be with your families. I need all the help I can get here, so I can’t give you an escort. Please, just… stay safe, okay?


Don’t worry, Principal Ewing, we’ll be okay.


I know, I’m just a worrywart.

Ewing walks off.


Well, I guess we should-

Aster places his hand on Blair’s shoulder.


Blair, we need to talk.


Huh? About what?


Your choice of clothing.

Blair looks down and realizes she’s still wearing nothing but bedsheets.


Shit, I almost forgot! Saige give me back-

Saige is gone.


Wh- where did she go!


Blair… don’t tell me you’re… an exhibitionist?

Blair’s face turns bright red.




Blair, it’s okay, I’m your brother, and I’ll support you even if you have a weird fetish.




I just ask that you wear clothes when you’re around me. No brother wants to see his sister like this, okay?



Aster smiles at Blair.


I will say, though, I’m happy you fixed your confidence issue. No way a self-conscious girl would walk around in what you’re wearing.

Blair is dumbfounded.


Anyways, I gotta talk to the principal real quick. Head out, and I’ll catch up.

Blair falls to her knees in defeat.


(My brother thinks I’m a nudist now… GODDAMN YOU SAIGE!)

Aster approaches Ewing.


Principal Ewing! Can we talk?

Ewing turns around and sees Aster. He immediately looks away.


Oh right, Aster… I uh…


Look, principal, it’s okay. I don’t hold anything against you for the deal you made me. I was arrogant to have ever accepted the agreement. There was no way I would have ever defeated Hayze’s team in just a few minutes! I just wanted to clear the air on that, okay?


Thank you, Aster, but I should still apologize. I was out of line and should never have bribed you the way I did. I took advantage of you for my own selfish reasons, and I’m sorry. I will still give your sister my recommenda-

Aster holds up his hand.


Hold it there, principal.



Aster looks back at Blair, who is banging her head against the ground.


I learned today that Blair can handle things on her own without her big brother’s help. I want her to earn that recommendation because I know she can. She wouldn’t want any handouts. Blair is tough and confident now. I’m sure she’ll be an amazing hero worthy of your recommendation someday.

Ewing smiles.


I hope so.


Good luck, Ewing.


Thank you, Aster.

Ewing watches as Aster runs back over to Blair.


Come on, Blair. Let’s go home.


Aster, we need to talk.


Blair, it’s okay, I understand. We won’t stop at a clothing store on the way home.


No! That’s not what I was going to say!


Just please keep that sheet on, okay?




Don’t get mad at me. I told you I don’t want to see that!


That’s not what I’m mad about!

Ewing smiles.


(I can’t believe I ever took advantage of their relationship like I did. I feel like a scumbag… I just wanted to keep Ivan away at all costs.)

Ewing looks up at the sky.


(Although… After what happened today, I have difficulty seeing how he’ll be back any time soon…)

Hayze (Naratting):

Following the events of Iota’s Assault, the city had to rebuild. The casualty count was placed at 3,000. A memorial was built to honor those who had died, including a wall of names. In the center is a statue of the hero who saved the entire city from certain destruction: Jake Kopech. Another statue was built in the city's center to honor the greatest hero ever: Colossus. Their funerals were held on separate days, but almost every person in Nashville came to pay their respects. A picture of Colossus was buried in lieu of a body, while Jake’s family elected to bury an empty McNugget box for him. Dr. Moore’s death was covered up by U.A. as a killing at the hands of a clone. Mr. Walker moved her body to the central courtyard. There was skepticism from the police due to her neck cut, but Khaos disfigured her too heavily. A few days after everything had happened, U.A. invited S.T.O.R.M. to investigate Dr. Moore’s research under the guise that Fatal had come forward and revealed everything. S.T.O.R.M. found that Dr. Moore deleted everything from her computer and shredded all the paper research. U.A. held a press conference to announce all of the findings from the investigation, which went over reasonably well. It was believed that Dr. Moore was acting independently of U.A. with her research, and therefore U.A. shouldn’t be held responsible for her actions. Afterward, Fatal and Saige took the stage at the press conference and answered many questions about their quirks and the research. They explained how Project Q worked and… the side effects. Of course, S.T.O.R.M. took their blood samples to see if they could replicate the serum from that, but they could not. Saige was asked how her grandfather, the school principal, could have been unaware of her involvement with Project Q. She explained that this was why she moved to Seattle and attended U.A. West despite U.A. being a better school that she could easily get into. It was to avoid him ever getting suspicious of anything going on. She returned only after hearing that Project Q was used again on me. Khaos’ takeover of my body was questioned. There were people concerned about whether I should be considered a threat. Multiple members of the Top 10 spoke out, saying they trusted U.A. and their ability to keep me under control. This, combined with the fact that I maimed Iota, was enough. As for the rings, U.A. denied all allegations that they knew anything about the rings, S.T.O.R.M. backed this claim, and that seemed to have cleared U.A. from any further suspicions.

Walker enters Ewing’s office.


Damien! What are you doing here?


I just wanted to talk.


Take a seat then.

Walker sits down.


I can’t believe everything went over as well as it did.


To be honest, neither can I. Dr. Moore helped us out quite a lot. I’d be out of a job right now if it came out that I knew about the serum for nearly a decade.


She made a pretty huge sacrifice, that’s for sure. I’m more surprised you got away with saying you know nothing about these rings.


We can thank S.T.O.R.M. for that.


Yeah… how did you get them to vouch for us?


I didn’t get them to do anything. The director, Laurel Alexander, is aware of the rings’ existence.


She is? I thought you said that information was for you and the guardians alone?


S.T.O.R.M. acts as a countermeasure if anyone was to reveal the rings to the public as Ivan did. They’re a respected source for intelligence gathering, so if they have our back, it will throw everyone off the trail. The director of S.T.O.R.M., whoever that may be, is aware of the rings' origin, how many there are, and that it’s my job to assign guardians to the rings. However, they are unaware of where any of the guardians are or what the rings themselves can do.


I see, even still. There are bound to be people that will hunt down information on the rings and search for them.


I know. I’ve already begun making contact with the remaining guardians to ensure they’ll have their guards up at all times. It seems that we have to start concocting a plan to rid ourselves of these rings once and for all.



Ewing notices that Walker seems distracted.


I assume you’re here for more than just a chat about this school’s recent debacle. What else is going on?

Walker takes a deep breath and stands up.




I quit.

Ewing is shocked.


Wh- what? What are you talking about?


I’m not fit to be a teacher here anymore.


What do you mean! Yes, you are! You’re the best teacher we have on staff!


Yeah… right.


I’m serious! What would make you think you should quit!


The last straw was one of my students dying…


B- but that didn’t have anything to do with you!


I’ve had a colleague die and multiple attacks against my students in both public and during a “secret” field trip, one of my students was nearly murdered during those attacks, and five more were almost kidnapped. That same student who was almost murdered then had his psychotic alter-ego take control of his body, injured me, maimed another of my colleagues, and killed her sister. Then, I had a student kill himself to save the entire city from another psychopath I was once friends with. And during all of this, I FOUND OUT MY TWO CLOSEST FRIENDS HAVE BEEN LYING TO ME FOR YEARS!

Walker catches his breath as Ewing stares at him, speechless.




Don’t try to give me some speech about how none of that is my fault. Even if only half of it is… that’s more than enough reason for me to be removed from my position as teacher of Class 2-A.

Ewing stares at Walker.


Damien, get help.

Walker looks away.


Rachel left for months because of what happened to EMD, I recommended the same for you, but you refused. I can see I should have pushed harder.


I’m fine. I’m doing what’s best for my students and me right now.


I refuse to accept your resignation.


What? That’s not how that works.


I’m placing you under administrative leave indefinitely.


That’s not what I want. Don’t meddle in my decisions!


Yeah, well, last time, I ignored one of my student’s obvious signs of needing help. He killed Colossus and tried to nuke the city.


*grunts* Don’t compare me to him.


I’m not. I’m just explaining why I refuse to back off from my stance. You need help, and I want you to go get it because I’m sure you’ll want your job back once you do.

Walker stares at Ewing.


I quit.


Administrative Leave granted.

Walker leaves.


Maybe instead of lumping me in with Ivan to make yourself feel better, you should consider the possibility that I’m right. There’s a reason Houston’s class has been peaceful compared to mine.


Yes, but that’s also why your students are better. They have you.

Walker stands there for a few moments before leaving.



Hayze wakes up in the middle of a snowy forest.


Wh- where am I?

Hayze looks around and spots cars whizzing by. So he heads in that direction before discovering he’s next to a highway.


(Where the hell did that guy send me?)

Hayze notices a sign about a half a mile down the road. He walks to it. It reads: Welcome to Anchorage, Alaska.


(You gotta be kidding me… what did he throw a dart at a map?)

The Sigma Ring fragment begins to glow from beneath Hayze’s shirt.


(What the?)

Hayze pulls out the fragment and holds it in his hand.


(Don’t tell me they came to an agreement again…)

The fragment continues to glow.


(Okay… what’s going on? Wait a second… I can probably communicate with one of them as long as they’re “under my control.”)

Hayze clenches the fragment.


(Calm, are you there?)


(Yes, why are you calling upon me?)


(Why the hell is this thing glowing? It did that when I was soul conjured, I was worried you guys came to an agreement in there.)


(That won’t be happening anytime soon, Khaos is very unhappy.)


(Well, that’s not surprising.)


(As for the glow, I have no idea. Although I have two theories…)


(And those are?)


(Either A: You’re activating the fragment’s soul capturing abilities subconsciously or, more likely, B, it detects the ring it was initially a part of.)


(Woah, Woah, Woah, hold up. You think the Sigma Ring is around here?)


(Why else would it be glowing? The fragment doesn’t have many powers.)


(That’s true…)


(Hold up the fragment in a different direction and see if it continues glowing.)

Hayze holds up the ring and points it to his left. It stops glowing.


(Well, looks like you were right, but what are the chances of that?)


(I assume that the man who sent you here had a specific reason for doing so.)


(Like what?)


(You can’t get much farther from Nashville in the United States than Alaska.)


(Wait, so you’re saying he did this to be petty?)


(You did thwart his master’s plans and slice off both of his hands.)


(Okay, that’s fair.)


(It just happened to be a coincidence that the Sigma Ring is close to this location.)


(Well, I guess I should head in this direction and figure out a way home from there.)

Hayze begins following the glow of the Sigma Ring fragment for five miles before coming across a log cabin in the middle of the woods.


Vargas? Are you here?

Suddenly a fireball whizzes towards Hayze. His eyes change to red, and he quickly dispels the flames.


You’re going to have to be faster than that.

Vargas emerges from behind a tree.


I thought it was you, but I had to be sure.


I understand… You guardians have a tough job, after all.

Vargas approaches Hayze.


Why are you here?


Uh… have you… do you not have any electronics out here?


I have a computer I use occasionally, but not today. Why?


There’s uh… a lot I need to tell you about.


What do you mean by “a lot?”


Colossus is dead, and a man that goes by Iota now possesses two rings.

Vargas stares at Hayze stoically.


Come inside. I have a feeling I’ll need to sit for this.



Hayze explains the events of Iota’s assault to Vargas alongside the true origin of his quirk.


I see… you did the right thing by slicing his hands off.

Hayze looks down at his hands.


I woke up just after he killed Colossus… Iota’s hand was stained with his blood. He started gallivanting and monologuing about how the world was his or whatever… I grabbed my sword and saw an opening. Initially, I aimed for his neck… but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.


Without his hands, he’ll never be able to use the rings again. You can’t be expected to be okay with killing someone at your age. You did more than anyone ever could have imagined.


What about fragments? Couldn’t he just do what you did for me?


Perhaps, but keep in mind how little power a fragment has. The one I gave you barely even scratches the surface of the Sigma Ring’s power. Plus, he could only use one piece at a time. So say, for example, he made a fragment out of the Omega Ring. It would more than likely only double his physical strength, which is nothing considering you described him as rather scrawny looking.


What if he got his hands on a healing ring?


There’s no way a fragment could ever grant him regeneration. Don’t beat yourself up, my boy. You did everything you could.


If you say so.

They’re both silent for a few moments.


I am impressed that you were able to use soul conjuring to break free of Khaos’ control. I was right to believe you are a bright one.



Vargas can tell something is wrong with Hayze.


You’re troubled. I can see it in your eyes.

Hayze leans back in his chair and looks at the ceiling.


Khaos killed the woman that gave me my quirk while he was in control.


I’m sorry.


He desecrated her corpse out of anger. The memories are burnt into my mind.

Vargas stares at Hayze.


That’s not all.


He shot my teacher in the arm, maimed my mentor’s eye, and nearly killed one of my closest friends. He would have done more if Dr. Moore didn’t trap him for a short while. Honestly, we were lucky.


Do you have guilt for his actions?


I try not to… but I do. I have no clue how I could ever face Mr. Walker, Fatal, or Saige again.


Just remember that it wasn’t you in control.


I know… but that’s the problem. It should always be me in control. I may have defeated Khaos today, but…

Hayze clenches his fists.


If he ever gets out again, if I slip up even once. The first thing he’ll do is remove the Sigma Ring fragment so I can’t combat him… and someone… someone’s going to die. The first time because it was just a villain he killed. But this time…

Hayze starts to tear up.


He killed someone I care about because she was trying to protect me… I’m like a fucking time bomb.


If I recall correctly, your mentor, Adrian, mentioned your quirk has a time limit. Wouldn’t that be a problem for Khaos should he return?


It should… but it seems like he knew how to claim permanent control.

Hayze flashes back to Khaos’ protectiveness towards Ivy.


I see… so you believe that the next time Khaos takes over will be forever?


Yeah… I do.

Vargas stands up.


Then I will train you.


I- I… I appreciate the offer, but I don’t know how that will help.

Vargas karate chops Hayze’s head.


AH! What was that for!


The whole reason why Khaos takes complete control over your body when his quirk activates is that you’re weaker than him, right?


I- uh… yeah, I guess.


You guess what? Am I right, or am I wrong?


You’re right!


Then all we need to do is make you stronger, both physically and mentally.

Vargas points to the Sigma Ring fragment.


You need to master control of a few of your alter egos! I will help you better understand the powers of that fragment and how to use them properly. My training regimen is not easy. It will be work night and day, you hear me? Wipe those tears off your face!

Hayze wipes his eyes.


You want to be in complete control of your body again? Then put your money where your mouth is and stop crying about it! You will be my apprentice from now until you’re strong enough to remove that ring fragment from your neck with no downside!


B- but that could take months! I don’t want to stay in Alaska for months!


Really? You don’t?

Hayze is taken aback.


Wh- what do you mean?


I’m an old man, but I know what you were doing. You wanted to make me think training you was my idea, right? Don’t think I’m that foolish, boy.

Hayze gulps.


You’re afraid to return home and see all the people you care about that you harmed during your time as Khaos.

Hayze looks away.


I don’t want to be around them if there’s a chance I can hurt them. I don’t want to put them through that. I don’t want… to kill them.

Dr. Moore’s mangled corpse flashes through Hayze’s mind. He shakes.


Please train me… I can’t go home… not if there’s a chance Khaos can come back. I won’t put them through that.

Vargas stares at Hayze.


They will miss you, you know that, right?


Maybe… but to be honest, I’m not sure of that.




They saw what I am today… They saw what I could become. They should be afraid of me. They should want nothing to do with me, even if they could get past that. They will find out I’ve been lying for the past year about my quirk. They’ll resent me for it.

Visions of what Hayze believes his classmates think of him go through Hayze’s mind.


I always thought you were a worthy opponent, but you’re actually just a liar. I can’t respect someone like that. “


I gave you the chance to tell me the truth, and you still lied to me… you never trusted me, so how can I ever trust you? “


I always knew you were good for nothing. You needed a handout to reach our level. “


You lectured me on treating my classmates as more than just stepping stones, yet you couldn’t even bother to give us enough respect to tell the truth. You sicken me. “


Welcome to the most hated people in the class club, population us! Yeah hoo! “


You nearly killed me… I thought Khaos could only kill people you hate. I guess that says a lot about what you think of me. “


I thought you were different from all of the other guys. I thought you liked me for who I am. But if you’re willing to lie to make yourself seem like a better hero than you actually are, then I bet you're also ready to lie to make yourself seem like a better guy. You're a bastard, Hayze. “

Another tear falls from Hayze’s eye.


What did I say about crying?

Hayze wipes his tears.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think they’ll want to see me again. Right now, it’s better if I concentrate on getting control of Khaos with you, sir.

Vargas looks at Hayze with a concerned look on his face.


(I can see it in his eyes, he believes whole-heartedly that his friends don’t actually care about him as much as he cares about them. It takes a lot to reach that point in a person’s life, but that’s not for me to meddle with.) Okay, Hayze. You are now my student.

Hayze smiles.


Thank you, Vargas, sir. (Everyone, I will conquer Khaos and become stronger than ever. You may hate me now, but I will not stop. I will protect you all from him. I will save you.)