Chapter 72 «The Storm»

Justus puts on his U.A. uniform while looking in a mirror.


(The long wait is over…)

Justus looks down at his U.A. acceptance letter on his desk.


(My path to becoming a hero officially starts today.)

Justus grabs his bag, leaves his room, and walks downstairs. He turns into the kitchen and living room area of his house. He looks around, confused.


Mom? Where are you?

Justus notices a note on the kitchen table.


(“I had to go into work early today, good luck on your first day, sweetie!”)

Justus smiles. He places the note back on the table and exits his house. As he locks the door behind himself, he notices the day’s newspaper on the front step.


(I guess mom left before the paper got here.)

Justus picks up the paper and looks at it. The front page is a picture of Colossus stoically rescuing people from a burning building.


(“A column on Colossus: The Greatest of All Time”)

Justus crumples up the page and throws it away.


(Maybe to you… but not to me…. hm?)

Justus notices his picture is on the next page alongside a photo of Silver.


(“The Next Generation: United Academy’s New Shooting Stars! Today marks the first day of a new year at U.A., and among their new group of Hero Course students, there are perhaps two of the most exciting prospects the school has ever seen: Justus Grey and Ryne Verdugo. Since they were children, both have been heralded for their exceptional skills and clear future in the professional hero business. Verdugo is the son of former number two hero Silverclad. His quirk is beyond powerful; it’s borderline unstoppable! He reportedly received extremely high praise from his proctor during last month's entrance exams, as his team finished with the highest score possible. Grey’s name has been circulating the hero education world since he entered prep school three years ago. Unlike Verdugo, he was accepted into U.A. via recommendation and reportedly scored higher on the exam than any student ever! These two are both destined for greatness and sure to give Vulcan a run for the number 2 hero spot someday, but there remains one crucial question that I’m sure many would love to hear answered: Who is better?”)

Justus stares into the newspaper for a few moments before throwing it in the trash and leaving for school.

Justus (Naratting):

Before I had even met Silver, the two of us were pitted against each other. In a fabricated rivalry, we were propped up on a pedestal together and told to knock each other off. I had spent my whole life lacking a true challenger. Nobody had ever compared to me, I was always more robust and better than my peers, so my blood boiled with excitement when I read that newspaper article. However, despite that overwhelming desire to fight him, I already knew the answer to the question: I am better.)

Justus stands up and brushes himself off.


I remember many months ago when the idea of us facing off someday felt like a certainty, but after the Sports Festival, I didn’t know when we would get another chance.


I know, but it was never a matter of if, but when.

Justus looks around the gorge. The sun is directly above them, shining light down and illuminating the rock walls surrounding them. A small river is flowing through the center of the canyon.


This is quite the place for a battle.


We came across it yesterday; I kept its location in the back of my mind.

Silver begins opening each of his canisters.


I won’t lie to you. I organized this meeting.


I realized. Why else would Angel fly off with Jace instead of utilizing his aerial combat capabilities on our whole team? I’m just surprised you trusted Alden with the task of getting me down here.


50% chance he does what he’s supposed to and 50% he gets eliminated from the exam, win-win if you ask me.


That is very true… although I wouldn’t be surprised if you get both, given his current state of affairs. But why did you feel the need to confirm to me your intentions?

Silver finishes opening all six of his canisters.


Because I want you to know that I’m tired of waiting.


For what?


For the chance to settle which of us is better, once and for all!

Silver unhooks his belt holding all of the dust canisters; they slam against the ground with a thud.


I learned a lot from my embarrassing defeat during the Sports Festival, but I’d be lying if I told you it didn’t burn me to my core watching you win the tournament that should have been mine for the taking!


Yours for the taking? Where is this intensity coming from? You’ve never expressed these feelings before.


After I lost, as I lied in that stretcher being carried off, coated by the stench of my defeat, I already knew that you would win the whole tournament; it was a certainty in my mind. I was able to walk away from that day all hunky-dory because I knew that I’d have a chance for redemption someday, and that day is today.


You really think beating me will make your defeat go away?


No, of course not, but it will have no meaning to me anymore; in fact, I’ll truly be able to look back at it and say it was a blessing in disguise: I was humbled, I built respect for my classmates, it exposed a flaw in my fighting style, and it showed me the path I needed to take to get better. But despite all of that, I still can’t get over what I lost.


Besides the match, you mean?


Yes, besides the match! I lost the opportunity to dispel any doubt in my mind that I’m not the strongest member of our class!


Beating me means that much to you? Even though we’ve seen just how capable the other members of our class are?


You are Colossus’ son, the man I will dethrone one day. There is no better test.

Justus is taken back.


My goal, my destiny, is to be the greatest hero of all time, and how am I supposed to do that when I’m not even the greatest in my class? How am I supposed to beat the number one when I can’t even defeat his son? This isn’t just about achieving a dream for me, I was built to be the best, and I’ve worked my entire life to reach that point. So it’s my right to challenge you and come another step closer to achieving my destiny!

Justus’ eyes widen.


Defeating Silver and moving to the final round was my right, and you took that from me! “

— Chapter 18


Your right, huh?


Yes, my right.


Now that you've brought up your “right” to beat Silver. I have a feeling you were using him as a metaphor for your need to defeat Colossus. “

— Chapter 18


(Silver… we’re the same. The only question is… who is your Colossus?)

Justus cracks his neck and knuckles.


Alright then, Silver.




If it’s a fight you want.

Justus detaches his shield from his forearm holder and wields it in his hand.


Then it’s a fight you’ll get!

Justus chucks his shield at Silver like a frisbee.


It’s about time.

Silver uses his dust to absorb the shield before it makes contact with him.


(Let’s just remove that from play immediately.)

Justus charges at Silver.



Silver sends a separate small mound of dust flying at Justus to intercept his charge.


You’re naive to believe that will work!

Justus charges straight through the mound with little resistance.


I broke through your dust’s hold on the very first day we met! What would make you think I couldn’t get through it now!

Justus winds back a bunch.


(Goddamn his strength!)

Silver leaps back to dodge the attack. Justus’ fist collides with the rocky ground cratering it instantly. Due to Silver’s feet leaving the ground, his silver dust loses its hold, releasing Justus’ shield back into his possession.


Your quirk is powerful, but mine is more powerful. I’m sure that’s a feeling you’re not used to.


Yes, but I’ve been preparing for this moment for a long time now!

Silver raises both of his arms and points them at Justus.


Quicksilver Prison!

All of Silver’s silver dust surrounds and engulfs Justus.


(What the hell!)

Silver contours the dust into a compact sphere and raises it above the ground.


You’ve never seen what I can do with all of my dust at once!

Inside the sphere, Justus is coated in dust. The hold is nearly airtight.


(I can barely move! There’s so much pressure!)

Silver stares at the sphere; his arms are shaking.


My ultimate defense is just as good on offense! I’m not letting you free until you admit defeat!

Justus struggles inside the sphere.


(At this rate, I’ll run out of air, I have to act fast!)

Justus tries to move his arms, but they won’t budge.


(Dammit! He’s got me good! I can’t do anything!)

Justus closes his eyes and lies there in silence for a few moments.


(I’m not strong enough! If I were my father, I could-)


You need to actually decide whether you want to be like me or not. You came into this internship unsure of the answer.


I already have decided to be a different hero than you.


Then why did you want MY help with your fighting style? Wouldn’t that contradict your goal? “

— Chapter 49

Justus’ eyes shoot open.


(I’m not my father… I don’t need to use my strength to bail myself out of tricky situations!) Hey, Silver!

Silver is surprised to hear Justus’ voice.


What? What is it?


You talk about how defeating me will make you definitively number one in your mind, but I have a hard time believing that.


What are you on about? Nobody is stronger than either of us. Who else could there be?


The guy who beat you already.

Silver’s eyes sharpen.


Pfft, Hayze may have defeated me, but you and I know he isn’t stronger than me!


Are you trying to convince yourself or me?


I could have crushed Hayze with my remaining silver. He would have had no response! Instead, I gave him the chance to win that he earned.


Are you sure of that?

Silver hesitates to answer.


So that’s why you tossed out the rest of your dust… you were insecure of your own strength; you weren’t confident you could defeat Hayze without the dust! Don’t lie to yourself, Silver.

Black Hollow:

To me, it looks as though you already had reservations about your physical prowess, but you were too proud to admit that to yourself, so you had your opponent show you. “

— Chapter 39


*frustrated grunt* I’m not lying!

Silver takes a step forward without thinking. He immediately realizes his mistake.



The sphere’s hold loosens, giving Justus the ability to free himself. Justus bursts out from the heap of silver dust.


Worked like a charm!


(He tricked me!)

Justus throws his shield at Silver.


(None of my dust is nearby!)

The shield hits Silver square in the chest and sends him flying and skidding against the ground. Justus catches his shield on the rebound and lands safely.


You seem very collected at most times, but when your strength comes into question, you become short-tempered… why is that?

Silver picks himself up off the ground.


I’m supposed to be the best… that’s my purpose in life.




If your entire existence revolved around a single objective… you’d understand why my strength means so much to me.


What are you talking about? Your purpose in life? Your entire existence? Why are you being so dramatic?


Just shut up and fight!

Silver lifts his arm, a shadow appears over Justus; he turns around to see a wave of silver dust curling over him.


Silver Tsunami: Drowning Tides!

The wave crashes over Justus, slamming him against the ground.


Now for some fun!

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From the massive pile of dust, a silver hand rises from the center, holding Justus tight.


You may have gotten the first hit! But I’ll get the last one!

Silver uses the dust hand to smash Justus repeatedly against the ground.


Take this!

Silver chucks Justus against the wall of the gorge. Justus slams against the rock, indenting the wall before falling against the ground.


*groans* That was quite the barrage… I can see you’re pulling out many new moves for this battle.


You haven’t seen anything yet. You’re at my whim, and I’m just getting started! You can charge through portions of my dust supply but not all of it at once!


That’s good to hear because you did all of that for nothing more than a few cuts and bruises; you’re going to have to do better.


With pleasure.

Silver puts his hands together and channels all of his silver dust into a mound above him.


You’re nothing compared to me, Justus! All you are is a muscle head; if you can’t punch your target, you’re done!


Everything you just said is horse shit, and if you really believe it, you’ll never beat me.


*frustrated grunt* Oh yeah? We’ll see about that! Silver Tsunami: Backbreaker!

The mound of silver dust bursts into a wave that torpedoes directly towards Justus.


(He’s correct, the full force of dust-based attacks is too much for my strength.)

Justus attaches a clear thread from his shield harness to the center of his shield.


(But I’m more than just muscle!)

Justus chucks his shield straight up into the air.



Justus begins climbing up the wall of the gorge as quickly as possible.


(What’s he doing? Even if he outran the initial collision of my wave of dust, he can’t outrun the redirection!)

The dust wave slams into the rock wall, causing the gorge to rumble. Justus barely climbed high enough on the wall to avoid the attack.


Nice try! But you can’t stay away from me!

The dust starts streaming up the wall towards Justus.


You never stood a chance against me!

Justus looks down at the dust approaching him then at his shield, which is seemingly floating in the air.





Justus leaps off the wall into the air avoiding the waterfall of silver dust encroaching upon him.



Justus grabs hold of the thread connecting him to his shield with both hands.


I was about to say the same thing to you!

Justus pulls down on the thread to cause his shield to rapidly descend towards Silver.


Take this!

The shield careens towards Silver at an extreme speed.



The shield is stopped before making contact.





A small portion of silver dust was hidden under Silver’s shirt, and just before the shield attack was about to connect, Silver used the dust to form a hand that caught the shield.


You really think I wouldn’t have learned from the first time you threw your shield at me? When I sent my last wave attack at you, I made sure to keep a little extra on my person to protect me from a counter-attack!

Justus is shocked.


Now, where were we?

Silver’s dust wave leaps off the wall towards Justus.



Justus is swallowed up by the wave, which then slams him against the ground.



Justus has blood coming from his mouth. Silver moves all of the dust off of Justus and grabs the shield in his hand.


You’re clever, Justus, but creativity will only get you so far against someone like me.

Suddenly the river splashes, Silver looks in its direction and is confused about what caused it.


(Hm? That was strange…) Now was I? Oh right.

Silver starts walking towards Justus.


I will be the number one hero, and defeating you is definitive proof that I’m on that path.

Silver chucks the shield at Justus, hitting him upside the head.


*pained grunts*

The shield lands flimsily against the ground, the sun glimmering against the metal. Justus notices this.


I know you also want to be number one, so I don’t take pleasure in crushing that dream, but my destiny is to surpass Colossus, and you can’t beat fate.


Why is it your destiny…




You keep bringing up that concept… your destiny, purpose in life, and existence… why? Why is it your destiny to surpass Colossus? What about you makes you destined?

Silver silently gazes upon Justus.



Silver is silent for a few more moments.


Have you ever heard of the hero Silverclad?

Justus flashes back to that newspaper article mentioning him.


Y- yes, I have… he’s your father… correct?


Yes… yes, he is…

Silver looks up at the sky.


He was a former professional hero. His quirk gave him the ability to turn his skin into silver, making him a highly effective Strength hero. He always had aspirations of being number one… it was his only goal in life: to be the best, no matter the cost. He was obsessed, didn’t have friends, didn’t keep in touch with his family, and he definitely didn’t give a shit about having a relationship… becoming the number one hero was his life. He went to U.A., graduated top of his class, was a superb sidekick, and became an extraordinary hero. By the time he turned 30, he was ranked number two, but he wasn’t happy. He had just one more obstacle to overcome to finally fulfill his life’s goal. He and the number one hero at the time were in the process of scheduling a title match when…


When what?


Your father graduated from U.A.

Justus gets a look of realization.


Judging by your reaction, I’m sure you already know how the story ends, but I’ll tell you anyway. Colossus was so mighty, impressive, and gifted that he skipped his sidekick year and became a full-fledged pro hero at the age of 20… it took him three months to become the number one hero… where he’s been for the last 18 years…

Justus is silent.


My father never stood a chance against Colossus, he was a decade older, and they both were strength heroes, but that didn’t stop him from trying. He challenged Colossus to a title match… it was over in 17 seconds.




That was the power of Colossus in his prime… to be able to defeat a hero of my father’s caliber in just 17 seconds…


My father’s prime? He’s still in it.


Would you rather face 38-year-old Colossus or 20-year-old Colossus?

Justus doesn’t reply.


Most heroes don’t enter their prime until they’re around 24. He’s in his late 30s and showing no signs of slowing down.


What does all of this have to do with your destiny, though?


What would you do if the one thing you devoted your whole life towards was taken away from you in the blink of an eye?

Justus has no answer.


Well, that’s something my father had to answer… if he couldn’t defeat Colossus and achieve his dream… what should he do with the remainder of his life?


… Have a son that could.


Yeah, but what are the chances he will have a son that will be strong enough to defeat Colossus? Slim… so he got a bright idea.


And that was?


Have you ever heard of quirk breeding?

Justus’ eyes widen.


He used his massive amounts of money from his career to find and pay women to have a child with him. But not just any women. They all had exceptionally powerful quirks: Shapeshifting, weather control, invisibility, healing factor… and telekinetics.


That’s… that’s your quirk… isn’t it?


I have three sisters and a brother; none of us share the same mother. We’re all around the same age. He had one hope in his endeavors: To breed a child that would surpass Colossus. With the way quirk genetics work, he figured that if he had five children, he’d have at least one with a fused version of his, and the mother’s quirk would be much higher.


And that was you…


I wasn’t born because my parents loved each other… I’m on this earth because of a financial arrangement. Neither of my parents loves me.

Silver looks away for a moment.


I’m alive for one purpose: to finish what my father started. That’s my reason for existence, and that’s why it is my destiny to surpass Colossus. That’s why I’m so passionate about being the strongest, why my emotions flare when my power is questioned and why I’m hell-bent on defeating you. If I don’t fulfill my purpose for existence… I’m a failure.

Silver and Justus stare at each other in silence.


My point is, you can’t get to the top by yourself, and you can’t do it by following in someone else’s footsteps. Having people who care about you is the first step towards carving your own path. You are Justus; your path is yours, don’t think that because I’m your father that our paths need to be the same for you to reach your goal, and more importantly than anything, don’t walk it alone. “

— Chapter 23


I see…

Justus gets to his feet.


Don't isolate yourself because you failed. We all have failed in some way since getting here, but how we react to those failures is what defines our paths towards becoming heroes.

Silver stares at Justus.


Those were the words you said to me after I was easily defeated by my father… I’ve never forgotten them. How could someone who said something so wise now say something so dumb?


I think you’re ignoring the scope here. My life revolves around one goal; if I can’t do it, I failed my life.


I understand that.

Justus picks up his shield off the ground.


But why should your life be defined by your origin?




I may not be able to perfectly compare to your story, but I know what it means to allow myself to be characterized by my father.


I guess you do.


Your father had a goal, and he didn’t reach it. He brought you into this world to complete his ill-fated dream, but why does that matter?


What do you mean? He created me to-


This isn’t about him; this is about you. Why should he choose your path?




You’ve never thought about it that way… have you?


He’s all I have in my life. Even if he doesn’t love me, at least he’s something.


I used to think that way too… that I was alone, I mean.


Used to?


Yeah… and a friend saw that, and he took the time to try and set me straight… even if I didn’t listen. Guys like us… guys that are supposed to be powerful, it’s in our nature to think the world is against us because that’s all we know… but our class is filled with people who care, people who accept others and accept us.


Yeah… you’re right about that.


I realized my life didn’t have to be tied to my father’s legacy… I could write my own story, and regardless of whether I’ll just be considered a bootleg version of my father, I’m happy to know I’m not in my own eyes and the eyes of my friends, and those are the only eyes that matter to me.

Silver looks down at the ground.


So what are you suggesting? I throw away my life’s ambition because it’s not what I chose? That’s pathetic.


I’m not saying you should throw away your goal, but look to achieve it because you want to, not because you think you have to.

Silver’s eyes widen.


Becoming number one is a goal, not a right or a path of destiny. I used to think that way, but now I understand something vital: my rivals aren’t stepping stones. They’re my brothers.

Silver looks at Justus.


Pfft, trying to rattle me won’t work, I have a goal of being the number 1 hero, and you are a stepping stone in my path towards that goal; I refuse to lose to anyone in this tournament, especially not you. “

— Chapter 16


(I did it again… when I lost to Hayze, I realized I needed to respect my classmates more if I wanted to progress. But when the pressure of the final exams came… I fell back into the same habit. Angel pointed this out to me, so why couldn’t I do anything to stop it?)

Silver takes a deep breath.


(Calm down, Silver. Justus is right. I’m allowing the expectations placed upon me by my father to control me. That’s why I’ve regressed, so… maybe he’s right. This is one of the best battles I’ve ever fought, but I haven’t enjoyed it for even a moment because I’ve put so much pressure on myself. Perhaps it’s time for me to relax and fight like my life isn’t on the line.)

Silver smiles.


What do you say we get this match going again?


I’d say that I’m more than ready to end this.

Justus angles his shield in the sun to directly reflect the rays of light into Silver’s eyes, blinding him for a moment.




Take this!

Justus winds back a massive punch.


Hammer of Justice!

Justus punches Silver in the chest, causing him to puke up blood and sending him careening through the air.



Justus starts running underneath Silver.


I respect our rivalry, Silver! If we had fought back when we first met, I would have treated this battle the same way you have today!

Justus leaps into the air.


Defeating you means a lot to me, but that doesn’t mean I’m stronger than you!

Silver braces himself as Justus flies beside him in mid-air.


A rivalry is not decided by a single match but by our progress over time!

Justus puts his hands together and winds them back over his head.


This will not be the last time we fight, but it will be the last time you treat me as an obstacle!

Justus slams his fist into Silver’s chest, smashing him into the ground, indenting him into the rock, and covering him in a dust cloud. Justus lands and looks over his shoulder at his work.


(Just like I needed a lesson taught to me… I hope I taught you something today Silver.)


This isn’t over!

The dust settles, and Silver is still standing.


(What? He shouldn’t be strong enough to withstand a barrage like that!)

Silver’s shirt is ripped up in multiple stops. Justus notices that Silver coated his chest in a layer of silver alloy that is now heavily dented.


I knew I’d have to pull out all of the stops to beat you.


I thought you had abandoned your silver armor strategy!


I did, but it’s always good to have an ace in the hole.


Where have I heard that from?


After your initial shield attack, not only did I store some dust under my shirt, I also started to produce some armor as a safety net, I only created the torso, but that’s all I needed.

Justus laughs.


Hm? What’s funny?


You’re going to need more than just the torso, that’s for sure!

Justus charges at Silver.


(He’s not letting up!)

Silver secretes silver from his wrists and forms it into two massive wrist blades.


Let’s go, muscle man!

Silver tries striking at Justus, but Justus blocks the blades with his shield. The two enter a struggle, pushing at each other but making no headway. The tips of Silver’s blades are being ground down by the intense friction of the two weapons colliding; Silver notices this.


(This feeling… I’m… I’m enjoying this! I’ve viewed combat as nothing more than business, no excitement, no displeasure, just business, all of my life. Justus… your words they’ve given me much to think about…)

Justus starts pushing Silver back.


(Our rivalry may have been born before we ever met.)


(But our passion towards defeating one another burns brighter than the sun.)


(This won’t be the last time we square off.)


(And even still.)


(One thing is for sure about this first match.)

Silver pushes Justus back into a stalemate.

Silver and Justus:

(I will win!)

Justus repels Silver and winds back a punch.


Hammer of Justice:-

Justus launches his strike. Silver’s shirt starts rustling.


Final Order!

Suddenly Justus’ shield flies into Silver’s hands.



Justus’ punch collides with the shield, denting it heavily and making a thunderous dinging sound. Silver is pushed back at least 20 yards by the collision. Justus winces in pain and closes his eyes.


(Now’s my chance!)

Silver points his arm towards his dust pile. It quickly sores into the sky and forms into a mound directly above Justus. Silver raises both of his arms.


Silverclad Barrage:-

Justus opens his eyes to see the storm of silver above him.



Silver drops his arms in a quick motion. The silver mound descends upon Justus rapidly and makes a devastating impact against the ground crushing him beneath its massive weight. Silver is sweating profusely and breathing heavily after the attack.



Silver steps onto the mound of silver dust. He reaches the center and clears all of the dust in that section creating a hole in the pile. Justus is barely conscious.




You nearly had me, you know?


How… How did you do it? You shouldn’t… have had any dust on you…


You made me some.

Justus realizes… all he can do is smile as his eyes start to flutter.


When our weapons were grinding against each other, dust particles were being created. I collected them to one point on your shield that you wouldn’t notice but would allow me to take control of your shield if I needed it… and I did. Thank you for the great fight, Justus.


*nasal grunt* Right back at…

Justus passes out. Silver stares at Justus’ unconscious body in silence for a few moments.


(This isn’t how I thought I’d feel… but I guess that’s because Justus gave me a new perspective.)

Silver looks up at the sky.


My rivals aren’t stepping stones. They’re my brothers. ”


(We share the same dream… and we’re not the only ones. We’re all rivals, but a rivalry isn’t something that can be settled so quickly. I may have won the battle today, but who knows what tomorrow could bring. I wanted this fight to finally determine which of us is stronger, but I see now that that’s not something that we can decide now or anytime soon. We’re all growing, we’re all getting better, and our mutual respect for one another is what will help us grow together. We’re not just rivals; we’re brothers. We’ll climb to the top together, and once we’ve reached the summit… Only then will we be able to finally answer the question: Which of us is better?)