Chapter 196.1: Drawing the Sword and Tearing the World, Rayne’s True Strength (1)

Heavenly Kingdom Knull.

A fire without any reason destroyed the country’s granary. Furthermore, the Heavenly Kingdom’s erroneous deviation in trajectory caused it to be imprisoned by a storm and be completely isolated from the outside world.

A month had passed…

Right now, corpses were everywhere in Knull and Evil Star hung high. After a tragic famine, countless monsters appeared on the streets and slaughtered wantonly, causing the population of the country to decrease drastically.

The surviving High Elves were dispirited and their wills collapsed. They sat at home like corpses and looked at the increasingly resplendent snow-white star in the sky from time to time with their turbid eyes.

The Evil Star named Far Silence.

They were already in despair.

The storm dissipated and communication was restored. However, a week had passed and reinforcements had yet to arrive.

The country continued to be sealed and compound eyes and tentacles had already grown on the body of the king of the Heavenly Kingdom…

Everyone knew that there was no hope for them.

After an entire month of torture and the destruction of hope, everyone was completely numb.

They looked blankly at the deformed monsters that went door to door to collect corpses and the pile of corpses that had already formed a mountain in the distance.

In the end… they could only laugh foolishly.

In the center of the Heavenly Kingdom, the once dazzling palace had already been flattened.

The broken bricks and tiles formed a vast altar.

Corpses were piled like a mountain on the altar as well.

The dead Star Attendants surrounded the rotting corpses and were controlled by the parasites in their bodies. They chanted strange languages that mortals could not understand and carried out some kind of ritual.

The Evil Star in the sky became even brighter.

Under the guidance of the ritual, the pure and flawless radiance was gathered into a resplendent pillar of light that shone on the rotting corpse mountain.

The corpses were affected by that unknown power one after another.

All of them… opened their eyes!

A man sat upright on the throne in front of the corpse mountain.

He was the king of this Heavenly Kingdom, Humphrey.

Seven days ago, this leader of Knull still possessed a human form as he visited Dawn in tears. He described the disaster of Knull in tears to the King of Dawn, asking for help humbly.

However, now, after less than a week of metamorphosis, he was completely unrecognizable. After 20 years of incubation, the anchor seed in his body had already matured and bloomed.

The personality named Humphrey officially left after completing his mission.

The Far Silences hidden in his body would control this body and begin the next stage of their plan.

Right now, he had already turned into a ball of distorted flesh that had just taken on a human form and was constantly changing its bloody outline. He used his entire body’s eyeballs to watch calmly as the Star Attendants squeezed their bodies and carried out cosmic spells that far exceeded their burden.

This was the highest level of cosmic magic in the Heavenly Kingdoms—Star God Summoning.

However, what the Star Attendants wanted to summon today was not the usual Star God Remnant Radiance.

Instead, they wanted to gather the radiance of Far Silence that shone from the outer world.

At that moment, strange whispers of unknown meaning sounded from within the husk of the fallen king of the Heavenly Kingdom.

«How much strength do we need to complete redemption?»

«More, more…»

«Our actions are meaningless. We’re only doing this for the sake of sacrifice.»

«A strong enemy has appeared on the ground. The war is about to begin…»

«We need this planet…»

«We’ve been wandering for too long…»

«This is not a good place to stay… Its will is about to awaken…»

«This is the best opportunity. We failed and lost our chance. However, right now, we will become a part of the eternal spirit of the stars…»

«Replace them…»

«Replace them…»

«Replace them…»

The ritual continued. Under the influence of some evil power, the surrounding space began to distort rapidly. The entire palace and even the entire Heavenly Kingdom turned into a pot of soup that brewed an incomprehensible fear that caused one’s rationality to dissolve.

A noble soul from the outer world was descending.

They needed the local living beings as carriers to adapt to this unfamiliar world.

More and more corpses opened their eyes on the altar and the corpse mountain began to tremble, causing countless unrecognizable flesh monsters to fall.

However, just as the ritual was about to be completed, a teleportation gate suddenly opened.

The fallen king of the Heavenly Kingdom was stunned.

A man and woman walked out of the dimensional rift.

It was Rayne and the God Consort.

As the teleportation gate opened at the entrance of the palace, the moment the two of them arrived, they saw the corpse mountain that could cause one’s rationality to crumble.

The God Consort’s expression changed at that moment.

When she heard Rayne say that someone in Knull was collecting corpses, she had already expected that the place had already been corroded and occupied by Far Silence.

However, she had not expected the change in this place to be so serious!

She looked around and saw the terrifying mountain of corpses, the numb residents and the overly bright and resplendent pure white star.

It was a shocking sight!

The God Consort was a Star Elf that descended to the mortal world to fight against Far Silence.

However, this was also the first time she had seen the tragic scene of Far Silence corroding the mortal world and assimilating and transforming all living beings.

Ее сердце сильно дрожало, и различные эмоции бурно нахлынули, из-за чего она не могла думать…

Однако она очень быстро справилась со своими эмоциями.

Сейчас было не время колебаться перед лицом могущественного врага!

Кроме того, по сравнению с ней, Рейн, должно быть, впервые увидел такую ​​странную сцену. Бог-супруга должен поторопиться и успокоить Рейна.

Однако, как только Бог-супруга обеспокоенно посмотрел на Рейна…

Она поняла, что с Рейном все в порядке и он спокойно наблюдает за ситуацией.

Бог-супруга не мог не заплакать еще раз.

… Как и ожидалось от него.

Бог-супруга вздохнул и сказал: «Рейн, ты должен уничтожить это место с помощью Звездообразования. К сожалению, для этого места нет надежды».

Став свидетелем одной и той же сцены бесчисленное количество раз, Рейн в тот момент был чрезвычайно спокоен и даже был в настроении подразнить Бога-Супруга.

Он улыбнулся. «Правильно. В таком случае… моя возлюбленная супруга, ты готова, чтобы я использовал тебя?»

Бог-супруга вздохнул и показал беспомощное и застенчивое выражение лица. — П-пожалуйста, не называй меня так…

Хоть она и сказала это, Бог-супруга все равно послушно зарылся в объятия Рейна. Она расстегнула одежду и взяла на себя инициативу разрезать кружево, обертывавшее ее кожу, обнажая светлую и нежную кожу на груди.

Бог-супруга застенчиво сказала: «Пожалуйста…»

Недалеко их двоих уже заметил падший царь Небесного Царства.

Бывший Хамфри полностью мутировал, и Бог-супруга даже не узнал его.

Что же касается этого падшего царя Царства Небесного, то он уже потерял способность общаться с живыми существами бренного мира. Он пробормотал на странном языке, которого Бог-супруга не мог понять.

После этого…

Он поднял руку.

Это был приказ, потому что, когда падший царь Царства Небесного поднял руку…

Гора живых трупов повернулась и странно посмотрела на Рейна и Бога-Супруга!

Это был приказ атаковать.