Chapter 1755: The Saintess has to take the college entrance examination

The driver really envied Li Yun’s girlfriend. Not only did she look good, she also had a nice voice. After taking off her sunglasses, she was even more beautiful. The driver swears that he has been driving a taxi in Zhonghai City for fifteen years, this brother. His girlfriend is definitely the most beautiful!

Of course, he can only envy him. Li Yun is tall and handsome, with a gentle temperament, and he does not look like a person who lacks money. His skin is white and tender, and he can only be possessed by a pampered son.

Such a handsome guy is worthy to stand beside a peerless beauty,

"Li Yun."N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Sage Fanqing looked at him again, hesitated for a few seconds before asking, "Can I take the college entrance examination?"


Li Yun was shocked to suspect that he had ear problems, and the driver driving in front was also startled.

These two golden boys and girls have not yet taken the college entrance examination? And that tall beauty, looking at the age of seventeen or eighteen, how can she say that she can take the college entrance examination? Doesn't everyone take the college entrance examination?

Unless it is a student whose grades are extremely poor and can only find another way out.

A beauty of this level is actually that kind of student…

For a time, the mood of the driver was extremely complicated.

"The college entrance examination, can I take it?" Fan Qingsheng emphasized again, her eyes were serious, and Li Yun could not see any joking.

In fact, she never joked.

Li Yun shook her little hand, smiled and said, "Qingsheng, can I know why you want to take the college entrance examination? Besides, you have just learned some cultural courses, right?"

"Well, just learned."

Repeating his words like a child, Fan Qingsheng nodded: "I have no problems with Chinese, and mathematics is good-I am fast at calculations, just remember the formulas."

Of course, Li Yun knew that the realm of refining the gods could be called cultivators. They had initially separated from the category of mortals, and the computing power of their brains was comparable to that of a small calculator.

Note that computing power is not equal to intelligence. Some people can quickly calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but their IQ is quite low.

"The subjects of science and synthesis." Fanqing Sheng listed them one by one: "I have studied physics. I can test 110 points in the simulation paper, and 90 points in chemistry. However, I have learned some and can test. Close to full marks."

Li Yun was stunned.

Fan Qingsheng said again: "English is being studied, if I only test my memory and listening, I will be able to finish it in a week."

It means that there are still more than ten days before the college entrance examination, which is enough!

Ли Юнь некоторое время смотрел на нее со странным выражением лица, а затем внезапно улыбнулся: «Циншэн хочет поступить в университет? Что ж, это не невозможно. Я позвоню брату Ся и попрошу ее устроить тебя в Китайский зарубежный университет. В школу!»

Водитель: Извините?

Ты шутишь, что ли! ?

Если вы позвоните Ся, вы сможете поступить в университет Чжунхай, один из трех лучших в стране и лучший университет в городе Чжунхай?

Не хвастайся так!

«Нет», — Фань Циншэн слегка покачал головой. «Я не пойду в университет, потому что неудобно заниматься каждый день».

Ли Юнь понимала, что, будучи святой, она, конечно же, не могла ходить на занятия каждый день.

Хотя и говорят, что отчисления не будет, но неявки несколько раз за семестр все равно недостаточно.

«Я просто хочу сдать вступительный экзамен в колледж».

Ван Циншэн указал пальцем на водителя и спросил: «Вы когда-нибудь участвовали?»

«Да, я участвовал! Просто… эй, я провалил экзамен! Вступительные экзамены в колледжи в то время были очень жестокими, и они были совсем не такими, как сейчас!

Водитель тут же обрадовался. Красивая девушка, словно фея, разговаривала сама с собой. Сегодня я смогу съесть еще две миски риса, когда вернусь!