Chapter 1763: what happened

Technology that is not within the scope of modern technology?N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Everyone can't figure it out. It's not modern technology, or ancient technology?

This is not nonsense!

But Li Yun is the chairman of the board. He just said that **** is fragrant. As his employees, he can only agree with Shi Zhenxiang!

"Haha, okay, you can go back after get off work. The company does not require compulsory overtime."

It is already seven o'clock in the evening, and Li Yun estimated that it was Wu Ke and the management to facilitate him to take people to visit, so they asked some employees to stay in the company temporarily without urgent matter.

Li Yun didn't blame Wu Ke or feel embarrassed. After all, his current chairman still has this privilege.

Leaving the game area, Fan Qingsheng said softly: "Li Yun, are the things your company has made changing the world?"


Li Yun felt a little difficult to understand the words of the Sage Fanqing. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "It can be said that there is! In the future, there may be products that combine spells and technology. The technology comes from the last time you saw the magic fairy. The country is organizing people to study the suspended tower. If it succeeds, it may be launched by Baiyun Technology."

This was something that Xia Ming had roughly discussed with him, although he was not sure about it.

"Yeah." Fan Qingsheng said again: "I will sort out some of the learning experience of spells and let you decide."

It means that Li Yun can use it, give it to the country or leave it to study by himself.

"Okay, will it take too much time?"

"No, I will write after the college entrance examination."

"Hahaha, good!"

Xu Chunxue, the head of the personnel department who led the way, kept a smile on her face, but was full of doubts in her heart.

What spells, what hanging towers, and how can spells be combined with technology? Is the country already studying?

Baiyun Technology…what kind of company is it! !

Xu Chunxue has a very strong hunch that the self-driving technology developed by the company has reached the stage of monetization. She recently recruited many business negotiation talents as required, all of whom are elites from all over the world who are proficient in multiple languages and business laws.

In addition, the company's patent network has begun to be registered globally, and the patent network has been built layer by layer to prevent the possibility of theft by other companies!

"Forget it, I'll be a small executive honestly, and leave these big things to the chairman…In short, Baiyun Technology is not easy."

Xu Chunxue, who couldn't understand, decided not to ask anything and honestly took the chairman to visit the company.

На 25-м этаже находится Отдел валютного обмена и сотрудничества, который отвечает за прием посетителей и общение с компаниями, заинтересованными в сотрудничестве по всему миру, прежде чем передавать информацию в другие отделы.

Многоязычная версия «Мира Сяо Мина» является результатом работы Министерства иностранных дел и сотрудничества.

Как только Ли Юнь и Фаньцин Шэн ступили на этот пол, они услышали яростную ссору.

Более дюжины иностранцев со светлыми волосами и голубыми глазами занимаются всяческими демагогиями, из-за чего люди не могут понять, какой язык они используют.

К счастью, в отделе внешних коммуникаций компании Baiyun Technology работает много способных сотрудников, а также есть специальные специалисты, отвечающие за язык каждой страны, так что они не понимают, что говорят.

«Как дела?»

Ли Юнь спросил глубоким голосом. Человек, сопровождавший его в туре, был шокирован и, очевидно, напуган.

Таинственный председатель-студент старшей школы с сильным бэкграундом впервые привел кого-то посетить компанию, но он столкнулся с кем-то, кто создал проблемы. Если это будет расследовано, я не знаю, сколько людей будут наказаны и понижены в должности!