Chapter 1788: Drink milk tea

I don’t know how long they have been walking, Li Yun and Fan Qingsheng sat down on a grass in a spacious civic activity area, holding a cup of milk tea in their hands. Li Yun sat on the grass, and Fan Qingsheng sat in him. .

The two of them drank milk tea, watched the stars and played with their mobile phones, almost no different from ordinary couples.

"Qingsheng, do you have Weibo?" Li Yun thought of something. He had a Q to add her, but Weibo did not see Qingsheng actively interacting.

"Yes, but don't post, just watch."

"Try to post one? I'll forward it to you to increase your fans."

"send what?"

"Just post your selfie!"

Li Yun smiled and suggested: "Just like other girls who play Weibo, take selfies, chase stars, chase dramas, punch… well, don't do that in the end."

"Fisting? I don't know how to fight, but only swordsmanship and some other spells."


Li Yun held back a smile and squeezed Qingsheng's beautiful cheeks, "I said punching…well, forget it, I still don't understand it. You will understand when you play more on Weibo in the future."Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

"Yeah~" Fan Qingsheng's tone rose slightly, and he picked up his mobile phone to face Li Yun: "Shall we take a group photo?"


The two got together, their cheeks almost close, Fan Qingsheng also made a very ordinary "girl scissor hand".

It's just that the other girls' scissor hands are very lively. Her scissor hands are close to each other, similar to sword fingers, making Li Yun amused for a while, and didn't correct her.

Anyway, Qingsheng’s fingers are slender and white, as tender as lush white, they look good no matter how they shoot, and they look better than professional hand models!



In the doubtful tone of Sage Fanqing, Li Yun took a photo of two people. Although the lights at night were dim, the beauty of Sage Fanqing was enough to make this poorly taken photo exude amazing beautiful!

Li Yun wanted to kiss the beautiful and cold saint again, but this time he was pushed away by the vanguard.

"I will post on Weibo first."

Sage Fanqing glanced at him, and she felt that the book said something reasonable.

Men are very eager guys, thinking about using their hands all the time, girls must know how to refuse, and men must not be satisfied at any time, otherwise they will get too easy and will be bored.

"Send Weibo first?" Li Yun was even more tickled by this glimpse of Fan Qingsheng, and couldn't wait to ask: "Can you kiss me later?"

"Can not."

"Ah, why… why Qingsheng you are so cruel!!"

"No, just no! Besides, I'm not cruel."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Yun felt that tonight is finally a bit dated.

Цин Шэн на самом деле научился вести себя как ребенок, он так счастлив!

После того, как она закончила публиковать свою учетную запись Weibo, Ли Юнь опубликовала ее аккаунт Weibo и переслала ее ей, а также проверила ее имя на Weibo: Shengqingfan.

Хотя это была всего лишь простая инверсия имени, Ли Юнь на самом деле нашел ее необъяснимо приятной.

«Священный Ватикан, Священный Ватикан… это здорово!»

«Юньфэн Вэйся?»

«Моя сестра и две младшие сестры, вы знакомы с Ли Фэном и парой сестер-близняшек, Цайвэй и Цайся?»


После того, как Ли Юнь нажал на репост, он увидел еще один репост блога под ее Weibo и улыбнулся: «Циншэн, ты сказала, что еще не опубликовала пост на Weibo, разве он уже не опубликован… что?!»

Ли Юнь был в шоке!

Первая запись Циншэна на Weibo на самом деле была записью в блоге, в которой был перепечатан его «Чжэнцзянху»!