Volume 15 Chapter 5

Life.5 Wolf’s Emblem

I am the wolf that can even devour Gods. My name is Fenrir.

Right now, I find myself in a situation which is a bit problematic.

The reason is due to the fact that two of my comrades got sealed away by the enemies that assaulted us soon as the battle started.

“Kakaka! He sure is a pathetic Sun Wukong! Right, brother?”

“Shishishi! You’re right! I never thought we can catch another one as well, brother!”

The two humanoid-type Youkai that are wearing armour that was worn by ancient Chinese warriors—. They are putting on an annoying smile.

After being assaulted by those enemies, two of my pathetic comrades were caught by them. Truly deplorable.

“What should we do, Fenrir-chan?”

My sworn friend, Lady Le Fay, is also a bit troubled.

How did it turn out like this?

Let me go back a bit to explain.

Battling strong foes, challenging the unknown or unsolvable phenomenon is one of the objectives of our adventure.

Today, we have once again set foot in a place away from where humans live within the Chinese mountains.

The scenery of the valley where there are mists around the stone pillars is giving out a unique atmosphere which makes me think it won’t be weird for a hermit to be living here. This scenery is only possible because we are in this country.

And beyond this place is the one we are seeking for this journey.

“Ah, it’s just mountains. The mists here are thick as well. Hey, can’t we just go past this place with your flying nimbus, Bikou?”

The woman who speaks her dissatisfaction, the nekomata called Kuroka. She has black hair and wears a black kimono.

She specialises in areas that are related to techniques such as demonic-powers, senjutsu, and youjutsu, therefore she has great potential. She has reincarnated into a Devil, however, she killed her master, and she apparently became affiliated with this group during her flee.

In my head, this nekomata has a complicated rating.

She does have potential. I will admit that. However, the way she thinks is too easy going and simple minded. On top of that she happens to be vulgar.

Inside me, this cat is ranked low in our hierarchy. There’s no way I can take her as someone equal to me. To see her as someone above me is impossible.

This hierarchy is strongly decided by me. My pride as a wolf overcomes my intelligence, and that’s how I base things.

Even if I was born in a rare way and even if I have intelligence, it still must mean I’m also a single wolf. I have no complaints about that and have accepted that as my way of living.

Hearing the cat’s complaint, the dumb looking (in fact, he is dumb) monkey youkai sighs.

“Man you are noisy. Our leader is saying that we are going to walk to the destination, so it can’t be helped. More than that, the one who’s putting this mist here is the hermit or whatever it is. If I use unnecessary jitsu, it will only be caught by some hermit somewhere.”

The one wearing the armour of ancient China, —Bikou. He only looks like a human man from his appearance, but he’s a youkai who inherited the blood of that famous Sun Wukong. —Though he doesn’t look like he inherited anything at all.

He’s always laughing, he gets influenced by the current culture, and on top of that he happens to be fond of those things. What he eats and the way he lives does not have any elegance at all. He’s a vulgar monkey that I don’t want anyone to see me as his comrade.

Obviously this monkey is ranked at the very bottom. I rate him below the cat. I don’t want to consider him as equal to me. I will be filled with hatred if someone even mentions that.

“Well, having a walk at times while enjoying this view may be good.”

The man who is dressed up as a gentleman, Arthur Pendragon. He’s a descendant of the hero, King Arthur, and is the possessor of the Holy King Sword, Collbrande. He’s wearing clothing which isn’t fitting for this environment since he’s wearing a suit and glasses even inside a mountain like here.

He’s always mild, and he’s a man who doesn’t even let me sense a bit of the atmosphere of King Arthur……but he has no guard down. Even when I communicate with him, I can’t help but sense the “nothingness” inside this man.

This man must not have the slightest interest in anything except what he’s interested in. However, in regards to battle he carries unmatched cruelness and accurateness. He approaches any situation with a calm mind. That makes him creepy, and also supportive as someone who takes action with me.

Inside me, this man is ranked quite high. As someone who travels with me, he has sufficient dignity and ability.

“Everyone, please wait for me……”

The one who arrives a bit late is the girl who specialises in magic, —Le Fay. She has a witch-like appearance with her pointed hat and cape.

She’s the younger sister of the Arthur who I introduced just before. Maybe it’s due to them being siblings, so they do resemble each other, however, you can say they are the complete opposite in terms of personality. She doesn’t have the cold atmosphere her brother carries at all, and she’s someone who’s always smiling among this group.

Unlike other members, she doesn’t have the slightest evilness in her. However, like her brother. She has a unique atmosphere where I can’t read what’s going inside her. Though she doesn’t have a vibe where she’s planning to do something bad.

The cooked meat and vegetables this girl solely makes for me is very delicious, and it is one of the valuable enjoyment I have while being in this group.

For that reason, I ranked her as my sworn friend inside myself. I often am asked to protect her, and you can say she’s someone I interact with the most.

……However, like what the monkey and cat said, the air in this valley is unresting, and is even dulling my senses. I’m feeling a lukewarm sensation on my body, and it feels like its enveloping my whole body. This area must be a territory belonging to someone.

I don’t smell anything that makes it so unnatural. However, someone’s gaze……isn’t what it is, but I can feel a disturbing feeling with my skin that I’m being observed and have myself caught.

I have my ability to sense dulled—. Everyone here must be moving while knowing that.

Usually, we won’t do such foolish things as to show up in places where we would get caught by others. We have our lives targeted by various factions after all.

Due to the battle the other day where we settled our differences with the Hero-faction, we became targeted by the Khaos Brigade which we were temporarily affiliated with. For that reason, our group specialises in hiding ourselves.

We have step foot in the valley today because we have a certain circumstance.

“I don’t hate the sensation I’m feeling with my skin in this valley.”

The one who says such fearless words is—.

A youth with a dark mixture of silver hair shows up behind me without making any sound.

“The atmosphere of this mountain where it isn’t weird if anyone assaults us from any place isn’t bad. There’s a unique trait in this mist……so it means that we’re already inside someone’s territory. The unexplored region of this country isn’t bad since it’s entertaining me simply with the atmosphere of this mountain and mist.”

The one who I’ll be introducing last among this group will be Vali. A powerful and unrivalled man who inherits the blood of the true Lucifer as well possessing the power of one half of the Two Heavenly Dragons, the Hakuryuukou.

The atmosphere around his body, the pressure coming from his body, he shows he stands on a different place with the rest of the group that is made up of evil individuals. His iris that is seeking for battles is always burning with fire even if that flame is small or big.

The one who unleashed my instinct from the hands of the Evil-God Loki who happens to be my father is this man. I was my father’s fangs and claws. My fangs and claws are a forbidden technique that can give critical wounds to Gods.

I was an obedient son of my father Loki,—no, I was turning into his slave, I was nothing more or nothing less. I simply obeyed my father’s order; I tore apart my opponents, and bit them into pieces. That’s because I believed that was my purpose in life.

However, the one who changed that principle using the magical chain Gleipnir, Excalibur Ruler, and Juggernaut Drive is Vali.

What this man sought from me is—for me to accompany him. He wanted my fangs and claws for the fight he is seeking against Gods as his weapon to attack and to use it for negotiation.

I put my trust in him in this case as the leader of this group. At least, the only one capable of controlling the nosey cat and vulgar monkey is Vali.

Я попал в эту группу после того, как покинул дом моего отца Локи…

Из-за Вали и остальных я потерял большую часть своей силы и плоти… однако…

Меня гладит по голове леди Ле Фэй.

«Я не смогу позвонить сюда Го-куну из-за такого тумана»

Леди говорит это, оглядывая густой туман.

Это верно. В этой группе есть еще один человек.

Гогмагог. Древнее оружие — гигантский голем. Из-за своего гигантского тела у него ограниченное количество мест, где он может появиться, поэтому обычно он находится в другом измерении, которое делит со мной. Если он нам понадобится, его сможет вызвать Вали, леди Ле Фэй или кот.

Он часто охраняет леди Ле Фэй, которую довольно часто посылают или отправляют… хотя у меня та же роль.

Обезьяна, идущая впереди меня, наклоняется и вздыхает.

— Но знаешь, мне действительно интересно, здесь ли он. Парень, которого мы ищем……”

Кот бьет эту обезьяну по голове.

«Что вы говорите? Это твоя родная земля. Разве человек, которого мы ищем, не живет в этой долине?»

«Вы знаете, что я слышал только от чудака первого поколения и на самом деле не встречался с ним?»

Как сказала обезьяна, мы встретились с Сунь Укуном первого поколения и обменялись несколькими вопросами.

Среди них нам рассказали о ком-то по определенной причине.

Эта определенная причина заключается в том.

Вали бормочет, как будто разговаривает сам с собой.

«Мы почти у цели, Альбион. Как вы себя чувствуете?»

Затем голос человека, не имеющего никакой физической формы, говорит так, как будто он напрямую говорит это нашему мозгу.

[……Ага. Поток ки, который я чувствую в этом тумане, неприятен, но не вызывает никаких проблем.]

Этот голос принадлежит Небесному Дракону, обитающему в теле Вали, Хакурюку Альбион. Иногда он реагирует на голос Вали и говорит так, что его слышим даже мы. Хотя в основном он общается с Вали через их сознание, где мы их не слышим.

— Советник, которого представил нам Первый, должно быть, находится где-то за этим туманом.

Вали смотрит на густой туман, сквозь который он ничего не видит.

Да, мы пришли сюда по этой причине. Мы пришли получить консультацию по Альбиону.

Хакурюку Альбион сражался против Секирютея Драйга, как ему нравилось в прошлом, и получил ненависть от многих существ, таких как Боги и те, кто связан с тьмой. Причина, по которой им было позволено вызывать неистовство, заключалась в том, что у них была сила, которая ставила их в высшие ряды среди Драконов и не позволяла другим высшим существам приближаться к ним. По этой причине они заставили Три Великие Силы работать вместе, а затем были уничтожены и запечатаны в вещи, называемые Святыми Механизмами…

Голос Альбиона настолько слаб, что его слова, несущие в себе достоинство, теряются.

Эта причина исходит от его соперника Секирютея.

В нынешнюю эпоху тот, кто является судьбоносным соперником Альбиона и Вали, является крайним извращенцем. Извращенец, постоянно гоняющийся за женщинами, — нынешний Секирютей. Насколько эта реальность разорвала сердце Хакурюко, которое было таким гордым и благородным, что меня пугает даже мысль об этом.

Если кто-то, кому суждено было стать моим соперником, был снобом, обращающим внимание только на женскую грудь и ягодицы, то я… Одна только мысль об этом наполняет меня гневом и грустью. Даже я, кто в этом не замешан, чувствую то же самое. Так что, должно быть, внутри Альбиона, которого называют Небесным Драконом, очень неладно.

Когда я впоследствии услышал о том, что у девушки из Высококлассной Дьяволицы Гремори из груди исходили огни, чтобы пополнить ауру нынешнего Секирютея, даже я не мог поверить своим ушам.

Фактически, Альбион, который был свидетелем этого в этой сцене, был настолько потрясен, что впал в афазию. Душевное состояние Альбиона настолько сломалось, что Вали потребовалось время, чтобы надеть доспехи Небесного Дракона. Я никогда раньше не слышал, чтобы Дракон впадал в афазию.

Не из-за непристойности ли Секирютея, из-за которой Альбион потерял прикосновение, Вали проиграл Цао Цао, который был главой фракции Героев? — шутили кот и обезьяна. …Даже я думаю, что это может быть возможной причиной… или я слишком много об этом думаю?

Пока я беспокоюсь по этому поводу, кот с усталым видом начинает жаловаться обезьяне.

«Начнем с того, разве ты не виноват, Бико, что у тебя такое слабое сендзюцу, из-за которого мы ходили внутри тумана?»

«Эй, ты пытаешься восхвалить свое бесполезное сендзюцу и обвинить в этом меня, Курока!? Почему бы тебе не попробовать использовать свои огромные груди, как некая принцесса-переключатель, выпустив из них луч, чтобы вытащить нас из этого тумана!?»

«Что вы сказали!? Даже не связывайте мою чудесную грудь с этими штуками, действующими как неизвестная электростанция!»

Два идиота, кот и обезьяна, начинают спорить и пристально глядя друг на друга. ……Это происходит все время. Эти двое постоянно спорят о бессмысленных вещах и портят атмосферу в нашей группе.

[……Б-грудь……хаахаа……Риас Гремори поблизости……?]

«Успокойся, Альбион. Риас Гремори здесь нет. Риас Гремори — грудь в твоей голове? Ты знал, что твой голос дрожит…?»

Альбион, прислушивавшийся к разговору кота и обезьяны, вдруг начинает тяжело дышать. Даже у Вали выражение лица стало несколько серьёзным из-за смены партнёра.

Похоже, болезнь Альбиона весьма серьезна. Будет лучше, если мы покажем его консультанту как можно скорее.


…Затем я чувствую чье-то присутствие передо мной. В тумане бежит не неуверенное и беспокойное существо, а некое чье-то присутствие. Возможно, все в этой группе это почувствовали, поэтому они посмотрели в одном направлении. Я тоже спокойно смотрю вперед.

Из тумана постепенно появляется тень. Когда вы избавляетесь от тумана, появляется пожилой мужчина в даосской одежде.

— спрашивает он с мягким выражением лица.

«—Вы все такие? Я уже слышал об этом от Победоносного Сражающегося Будды Сунь Укуна».

Похоже, человек, которого мы ищем, появился первым.

Часть 2

Место, куда мы прибыли под руководством мужчины, представляет собой простую хижину, сложенную из камней. Интерьер также выполнен из простых материалов, здесь есть только инструменты, используемые в повседневной жизни и имеющие ограниченное применение.

Эти инструменты также довольно старые, и все они сделаны из таких материалов, как дерево и бамбук. Единственные металлические инструменты — ножницы и чайник.

«Пожалуйста, пройдите сюда».

Мужчина ведет нас в комнату, где есть смотровая кровать. Вали садится перед мужчиной, а я отхожу в угол комнаты. Леди Ле Фэй тихо стоит рядом со мной.

Затем я перевожу взгляд на стареющего мужчину. …Он тихий человек. Его жест также спокоен, и я не чувствую никакого колебания, но исходящую от него мирную атмосферу.

«Итак, начнем? Пожалуйста, покажи мне свою спину. Небесный Дракон-доно там, верно?

Мужчина прикладывает ладонь к спине Вали, месту, где появляются Крылья Света.

«Я попрошу вашей помощи. – Жантангонгдефо-доно.

Услышав слова Вали, мужчина улыбается.

— О, тебе не обязательно так официально называть мое имя, понимаешь?

«Тогда Сюаньцзан Саньцзан-доно — так мне следует тебя называть?»

Человек, которого когда-то звали монахом Сюаньцзан Саньцзан, при словах Вали качает головой в сторону.

«Хуфуфу, тебе не нужно добавлять Санзана. Просто зовите меня Сюаньцзан».

Сюаньцзан Саньцзан говорит это с мирной улыбкой. Нет, возможно, правильнее было бы назвать его бывшим монахом Сюаньцзан Саньцзаном.

Да, этот человек — печально известный монах, описанный в «Путешествии на Запад». Верховный монах, который искал священную книгу и достиг Тяньчжу, взяв Сунь Укуна первого поколения, одного из Пяти Королей-Драконов Ю-Луна, и его учеников.

После этого он успешно принес домой священную книгу и стал Буддой, совершив множество достижений. Хотя я никогда не ожидал, что он будет тихо жить один в скрытой горе, откуда исходит так много густого тумана…

Этот Будда — советник, которого Сунь Укун первого поколения посоветовал нам для Альбиона.

[Сердечная болезнь Небесного Дракона, хах… О, есть один человек, который сможет помочь. В любом случае, я скажу ему об этом.]

Секирютей Драйг, который также получает консультации в другом месте. Так получилось, когда Альбион попросил Драйга назначить другого советника.

— А теперь давайте немного обсудим, Исчезающий Дракон-доно.

[…Я буду под твоей опекой.]

«Я также спрошу тебя, в каком состоянии находится Небесный Дракон-доно в качестве своего хозяина».


Таким образом, начинается консультация со странной смесью Сюаньцзан Саньцзан и Хакурюкоу.

First, Albion starts to explain why he isn’t feeling well lately and the reason behind it. He starts to explain plainly about how his arch-enemy is in that kind of condition and that he’s engulfed by great shock and sadness.

It’s hard to describe the condition he’s in. After all, the other half of the prideful Two Heavenly Dragons is explaining his concerns to someone else. It’s normally a scene which isn’t even possible to happen. The ultimate creature of this world that is said to be an embodiment of power and pride, a Dragon, is spitting out the things he’s carrying inside himself…… I really don’t know what to say about this.

Xuanzang Sanzang listens to Albion’s story and then nods.

“I see, so your arch-rival is in a situation where he’s related to women’s breasts, and it gets worse as each day passes. So you became sad and depressed.”

[……If that was the only thing, I could have simply ignored the red one. But that influence even reached me…… I had the Norse Chief-God call me a……K-Ketsuryuukou……uuuu, buoooooooon……]

……It’s so tragic that I can’t bear to look. The legendary Dragon, the Hakuryuukou is crying hysterically.

Even the current Hakuryuukou Vali is silent, and is simply closing his eyes. He must be having a hard time coming up with words to say to him.

To be honest, even I have mixed feelings. The cat and monkey look to the side and it seems like they’re enduring from laughing…… They sure don’t change in making vulgar responses.

Xuanzang Sanzang responds politely to each of Albion’s stories.

“Due to the time you lived which was close to an eternity, and since this is your first time experiencing such a thing, you probably don’t know how to cope with this situation. I also can’t recommend you to ignore your arch-rival Sekiryuutei as well. After all, he’s also carrying the same pain as you and that makes him your comrade.”

[……Carrying the same pain……comrade……Ddraig……]

“That’s right. From what I heard, that person has the same—no; he must be carrying more concerns than you. I also don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that he’s the only one who can come to understand you, you know? It may be a good idea to speak to him once with the Sekiryuutei regarding this.”

[……Speaking with Ddraig……huh. Regarding the same pain we share…… I never came up with that idea. If I think about it, he’s certainly the same as me. I even held a grudge against him, thinking that I got dragged into this because of him. But I was wrong…… He’s also a victim of the current Sekiryuutei—]

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like there’s some life back into Albion’s words. It certainly seems like this conversation with Xuanzang Sanzang is working. It’ll be weird for me, Fenrir, to say this, but it’s hard to grasp hold of how the mentality of a Dragon is structured. They are prideful and have arrogance where they won’t obey the orders of anyone, but they also carry delicate parts as he is showing right now.

……My brother “Sleeping Dragon” Midgardsormr is also a Dragon that’s hard to come to understand. Despite being counted as one of the Dragon Kings, he carries no pride for it and is simply being a sloth. He must still be waiting for the end of the world in the depth of the ocean.

Vali sighs.

“Xuanzang-dono, I want to ask you since I have this opportunity. The truth is the residual thoughts of the past Hakuryuukous are arguing to make a “Victims of Sekiryuutei Association”……so what am I supposed to do?”

Vali asks Xuanzang Sanzang.

Victims of Sekiryuutei Association—. So there’s going to be establishment of such things inside the Sacred Gear of Hakuryuukou…… The relation between the Two Heavenly Dragons of this era sure is complicated.

“……Pupu! You heard that, Kuroka? What the heck is a Victims of Sekiryuutei Association!?”

“I-It’s interesting –nyan……! The relation between Sekiryuutei-chin and Vali isn’t that of a rival but a treasurer filled with jokes!”

The monkey and cat start to laugh because they can’t endure it anymore…… These two are laughing so much that I want to kick these two out of this cabin.

It seems like Xuanzang Sanzang is also a bit troubled in how to respond.

“Let me think. Going that far isn’t necessary, don’t you think? Either way, for today I will be listening to Heavenly dragon-dono’s story.”


Xuanzang Sanzang’s counselling continues for three hours after this.

“I will go and make some medication for you, so please wait a bit.”

The main discussion has ended and Xuanzang Sanzang took out bottles with medicine inside and dried herbs to start mixing them.

The way Xuanzang Sanzang spoke was magnificent. A Dragon—furthermore a Heavenly Dragon, he was able to consult him peacefully while knowing the characteristic of a Dragon that is a rare type to speak to.

Albion spoke out his concern to Xuanzang Sanzang without cutting his story midway from the beginning to the end. He was in a state where even Vali felt it was safe to leave the counselling to Xuanzang Sanzang.

Thirty minutes have passed since Xuanzang Sanzang started mixing the medicines. Vali received a paper bag from him containing the recently made medicine. Xuanzang Sanzang then explains about it.

“You have to put the brown powder after you dissolve it in water to the area where your Sacred Gear appears—in other words your back. I’m sure it will have effect with simply that. The burned brown leaf will have effect if you simply take it into your mouth by infusing it with water. It has an effect where it makes you feel peaceful and calms you down.”

“Will it be okay if I consume the infused drink?”

“Yes, that will be fine. Please come again once you use up the medicine.”

Vali says it after exchanging two or three words with him.

“I want you to listen to Albion’s story when we come here occasionally, but I won’t know if we can come here at a chosen time due to the mists.”

То, что говорит Вали, уместно. Я определенно хочу не заблудиться из-за тумана и не потратить из-за него несколько часов на прогулку.

Затем говорит Сюаньцзан Саньцзан.

«Это интервал, который лежит между обычным миром и скрытой деревней, где живут отшельники ёкай. Туман вокруг этой области создан с помощью специальной техники, чтобы не дать незрелым и злобным отшельникам-ёкаям причинить вред человеческому миру. Он воздействует на разум и тело слабых ёкаев и практикующих, просто прикоснувшись к этому туману. То, что вы все способны двигаться в этом тумане, доказывает, что все вы весьма сильны. Я также подскажу тебе путь, по которому другим отшельникам не так-то легко заметить твое присутствие. Поэтому, пожалуйста, потом пройди этот путь».

Вот такой эффект в этих туманах. Значит, по этой причине наши силы не сработали так хорошо.

Но я никогда не ожидал, что на другом конце света окажется мир ёкаев-отшельников… Я слышал, что в глубине гор есть такой мир, но никогда не думал, что это будет место. Должно быть, это хорошая информация для группы, которая ищет сильных противников. Даже сейчас эти участники наполняются боевым духом, просто услышав это.

«Разве это не твоя родная страна? По крайней мере, ты должна знать это, ня.

Кот издевается над обезьянкой. Обезьяна чешет голову и улыбается, чтобы уклониться от ее слов.

«Ну~, в этом мире есть много скрытых мест, где живут отшельники-ёкаи~. Вернее, на моей родине нет таких туманов. Моя деревня была наполнена идиотами, которые стали мирными, и я был единственным, кто выделялся как непослушный ребенок. Здешние ёкаи-отшельники, должно быть, немного жестокие.

Увидев реакцию Бико, Сюаньцзан Саньцзан тихо рассмеялся.

«Вы действительно похожи на первого. Я думал об этом с самого начала. Особенно твое лицо, когда ты улыбаешься, идентично его».

Услышав это, обезьяна приняла растерянный вид.

— П-серьезно, Монк-сама!? Ты хочешь сказать, что я стану похожим на этого чудака-обезьяну……!?»

Я думаю, он на самом деле похвалил его, но, поскольку эта обезьяна действительно дурак, он был в шоке, услышав Сюаньцзан Саньцзан. Это та часть, куда его следует переместить.

— Затем кошка поднимает уши, и Артур, который спокойно наблюдал, с усмешкой смотрит в сторону входа.

…Я тоже это чувствую. По ту сторону входа кто-то присутствует. Два загадочных существа постепенно приближаются к этой хижине.

Все здесь это заметили, поэтому мы все начеку.

Мгновенно двое существ перед дверью издают громкий голос и нарушают тишину.

«Публично заявить»

«Публично заявить!»

Голоса мужчин, принадлежащие двум людям. Снаружи есть люди, которые пытаются вызвать владельца этой хижины.

Кажется, Сюаньцзан Саньцзан знает, кому принадлежат эти голоса, и начинает хихикать.

We also leave the cabin by following the monk who opens the door and goes outside. The ones waiting outside the cabin are—two humanoid type Youkai wearing armour worn by warriors back in ancient China. Both of them have the same face and appearance to each other. There is a horn growing out from both of their heads, their claws are long and sharp, they have huge eyes, and they have big mouths with fangs coming out from them. Their height is no different to the average height of a human male.

One of them has the word “Kin(Gold)” carved, while the other one has “Gin(Silver)” carved in their armour.

Both of them make an exaggerated performance—they are making a pose and then shout at us.

“I am none other than Golden Horned King!”

“I am none other than Silver Horned King!”

We have done our performance right, that’s what their expressions are saying.

Seeing both of them, Vali smirks while the monkey puts his hand on his forehead.

“……Are you serious? I never thought I would meet them here…… It’s the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King……!”

The brother Youkai that appears in “Journey to the West”—that is the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King. They are most likely not an imposter but the actual thing. The youki around their body is strong and I don’t see any slight opening in their defence despite them making weird poses.

Xuanzang Sanzang smiles seeing the two of them. It seems as if he’s handling the arrival of naughty brats. Judging from his reaction, this isn’t the only time they came here.

“Oh my, if it isn’t the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King. Did you come here for your leisure again?”

Seeing the monk smile, the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King makes a fearless laugh.

“Kakaka, today is the last time you can say that to us, Xuanzang!”

“Shishishi, today is the last time you can act so confidently, Xuanzang!”

The two of them make a stance as if they are trying to fight Xuanzang Sanzang.

The monkey stands in front of Xuanzang Sanzang, and instead confronted the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King.

“I can’t believe it. I never thought I would end up meeting these guys…… What’re you going to do, Vali? Are we gonna fight?”

The monkey asks his leader, but the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King react by making a doubtful expression at Bikou’s appearance.

“Hey you, are you related to “Great Sage, Equal of Heaven”?

“You’re wrong, brother. This one here is releasing the same ki as the “Great Sage, Equal of Heaven”!”

It seems like they have a grasp of the monkey’s identity. It may be true in terms of them having the same ki. You can say that it’s natural reaction for those who know the first generation Sun Wukong.

“Well, it’s not anything to hide about anyway. I’m the Descendent-sama of Sun Wukong.”

The monkey treats himself like a high person as if the shock he received just before didn’t happen. ……He truly is a slick monkey. Like I thought, he’s ranked lowest among us.

Vali takes a step forward and asks the two Youkai.

“Good timing. Golden Horned King, Silver Horned King, there’s something I want to ask the two of you.”

Maybe they sensed Hakuryuukou’s ki, so the Golden Horned King and Silver Horned King make a serious face.

“Mgh, brother. This Dragon doesn’t have an ordinary kind of ki!”

“Yeah, brother. This Dragon is releasing abnormal ki!”

It seems like they grasped hold of the strength of this man called Vali without even fighting. To be expected from a Youkai that appears in a legend.

Vali asks without being concerned.

“—I’m looking for the mountain that is said to be the place where Prince Nazha appears. I would definitely like you to tell me if you know where it is.”

Yes, Prince Nazha. That is one of the strong foes Vali and all of us here are chasing after. He’s a Buddha that appears in two of the Chinese Four Great Mystery Novels, “Journey to the West” and “Romance of the Investiture of the Gods”. He is a Hero of Battles who wore many Gods armouries and dominated many battles.

In terms of battle powers, he is a strong foe who is said to be on par or above the first generation Sun Wukong. We received information that he sometimes descends from Mt Sumeru to appear in the depth of the mountain somewhere in this country.



The two Youkai simply looks at each other and laugh fearlessly. We can take it that they may know his whereabouts, but……

Maybe he got enraged at the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King’s laughter, so Bikou makes his stance by making Ruyi Jingu Bang appear.

“Well, using force to ask them won’t be a bad idea.”

It really ended up in a situation befitting us. Solving problems by using force. This happens all the time.

“……Can we fight against these guys, Monk-sama?”

Bikou confirms with Xuanzang Sanzang just in case.

“Yes, observing the strength of Sun Wukong after many years won’t be a bad idea.”

The monk unexpectedly approves it. He has quite the tolerance. I can’t see him as a high monk that tightened the magical headband, every time the first generation Sun Wukong does something bad. Maybe his personality softened back when he was a monk by becoming a Buddha.

“Fufufu, then maybe this Kuroka-oneesan should lend Bikou a hand –nya.”

The one who stands beside the monkey is the cat Kuroka. The monkey makes a face as if he finds it boring when he sees that.

“Seriously, I will be enough for these guys. Stand back Kuroka. Inside these mists, not only you can’t use your senjutsu, but you probably won’t be able to use barely any demonic powers and youjutsu. Unlike your sister, aren’t you bad in hand to hand battle?”

“Nfufu ♪ If I have to, it will be fine as long as I give them my neko-punch –nyan.”

Both the monkey and cat triy to enjoy the battle by having the Youkais that appear in the Four Great Mystery Novels, but……

The Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King simply make a lecherous smile. The two Youkai point at Bikou and Kuroka.

“So that one there is Bikou……and the one over here is Kuroka?”

They check their names but……if my memory is correct, that is……

“Ah? What about it?”

“Nya? Are they interested in me –nya?”

These two respond without being cautious.

Then Silver Horn King takes out the gourd he has on his hip. Yes, this is—.

Then from the tip of his gourd comes out an abnormal whirlpool where the monkey and cat gets sucked in.

“Uwah! Shit, this is—.”

“Unyaan! Is this the rumoured gourd!?”

Because both of them had an opening in their defence, they got sucked into the gourd without being able to do anything—.

……The members here can only make a dumbfounded face at the thing which happened instantly.

……Just how much……of an idiot can they be?

If the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King are exactly as the legend says, then they are Youkai that use the Five Treasured Tools they took from Taishang Laojun (The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord).

And the one which is exceptionally famous among them is—the Crimson Gourd. It’s a gourd that sucks in those who respond when they have their name called out. Even I, who is from the Norse Mythology, knows this, yet the monkey and the cat responded without being cautious. ……If they had used their actual strength, they could have fought without ending up in this situation.

Like I thought, the monkey and the cat are fools.

Now we get back to the beginning of the story…… Now, the two fools got sucked in, so how should we take on the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King?

It’s appropriate to wait for Vali’s orders who happens to be our leader.

Arthur makes the Holy King Sword Collbrande appear from a different dimension. It’s a holy-sword that is wrapped by a quiet wave of force. And the rich aura it has is still active within these mists, and it certainly shows that it really is the ultimate among the holy-swords.

“Vali, what shall we do? Should we put rescuing Bikou and Kuroka as the highest priority? Personally, I’m very interested in one of the Five Treasured Tools they have, the Seven Star Sword.”

Arthur gazes towards Golden Horned King’s hip where he has a single sword hanging from it. I hear it has both the ability to crush evil and make Youkai obey them.

“Seriously, Bikou and Kuroka’s lack of cautiousness is a problem.”

After Vali creates two blocks of demonic-power in his hand, he shoots them ahead. Even though it’s a mass of demonic-power he shot lightly, it’s still something shot by the strongest Hakuryuukou in history. Those without strength will be terminated right away easily if they are hit with it. However—.

Golden Horned King takes out a big fan from his back that looks like a leaf and swings it.

“Banana Palm Fan!”

The huge fan creates a strong wind that temporarily disperses the mists around here, and at the same time sends the demonic-powers shots that Vali shot out far into a different direction.

……One of the Five Treasured Tools these two have, the Banana Palm Fan. It’s an evil fan that can send anyone flying. It seems like Vali is also a bit shocked at this.

“Like I thought, an attack that isn’t that serious won’t work on them. Just to be expected from Youkais recorded in legends. They sure have the strength that made them able to fight that first generation Sun Wukong.”

“Hmm, it seems like this Dragon understands our strength better than that cat and the relative of Sun Wukong, brother.”

“Hmm, it seems like this Dragon is more capable than that cat and the relative of Sun Wukong, brother.”

Both of them makes an exaggerated pose once again.

“ “To us the King brothers, all of you are no match for us!” ”

They sure are Youkai that can say things that make me feel good.

The one who watches them while smiling is Xuanzang Sanzang.

“Now then, what will you do? Should I tell you their weakness?”

Vali expands the Wings of Lights from his back while making Divine Dividing Scale-mail appear, and swings his head to the side.

“No, I look forward to fighting strong foes using my own style and fixation. That’s a good offer, but I’ll have myself fight as I please. —I’ll fight without causing any trouble for you.”

Saying that, Vali goes ahead and starts fighting against the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King.

Arthur shrugs his shoulder and puts the holy-sword away into a different dimension.

“Well, this time I will hand this fight to our leader, no, as a rehab for Albion. Le Fay, we will be observing for today. Anyway, we’ll rescue Bikou and Kuroka when those Brother Youkai let their guards down.”

“Yes, Onii-sama. Ufufu, Vali-sama looks like he’s enjoying it. Right, Fenrir-chan?”

Yeah, you’re right, Lady Le Fay. I sit next to Lady Le Fay and decided to watch over our leader fight—.

Part 3

“I’ll ask you again. Which mountain does the Prince come down to?”

A bit later, Vali who has defeated the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King made his armour disappear and asked the same question to the Brother Youkais. The Brother Youkais have their whole body entangled by their powerful rope which happens to be one of the treasured armouries.

After several exchanges of attacks, soon as they found out that Vali was a being on a different level, they tried to capture him using a rope which is a treasured armouries. The rope was used against them instead and they had their movements sealed……

Despite having powerful youki and treasured armouries, they had a weak defence similar to Bikou and Kuroka, which in term became fatal.

……Are Youkai beings that accidentally let their guard down despite having the strength?

“……The Prince is at the land with lotuses which is three valleys away from here.”

“……Yeah, if you are talking about the Prince, then it’s always lotus.”

Golden Horned King and Silver Horned King answers as such. They have an unpleasant expression. They probably aren’t satisfied with the outcome of their battle. Then the two Brother Youkais ask Vali.

“Do you perhaps believe in the resurrection of the Bull Demon King like the Prince is?”

“Do you perhaps plan to defeat the resurrected Bull Demon King like the Prince is?”

Bull Demon King—. The King of Chinese Youkais that fought to death against Xuanzang Sanzang’s party in the past. In my knowledge, it’s recorded that he had already been terminated……

Vali simply shows his fearless smile.

“That’s quite an interesting story. I’ll also search information regarding that along with finding the Prince. We ended up wasting our time in searching for Crom Cruach, but it seems like we can find the Prince.”

Seriously, this man puts on a smile filled with joy when he attains information regarding strong foes.

After Vali confirms that, he looks towards Xuanzang Sanzang.

“Xuanzang-dono, thank you for taking care of us. I’ll come here again once the medicine is gone. I hope to get your approval regarding the issue before.”

For Vali who is bold and fearless, that certainly was a way he asked for a request while choosing proper words.

No, this man shows proper attitude towards beings that deserve respect. This villainous Hakuryuukou also has such a side in him.

Xuanzang Sanzang smiles and nods his head.

“Yes, of course. I was shown something quite interesting today after all. Please leave the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King over here to me. Fufufu, the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King, maybe I should make both of you help me with my dinner today?”

The two Youkais made an unpleasant face and act as if it isn’t amusing at Xuanzang Sanzang’s words.

—The only remaining issue is—

[Ooi! I don’t care what’s going on, but get us out of here!]

[Hey, leader! Get us out –nya!]

I can hear such voices coming from the Crimson Gourd Lady Le Fay is holding on to. Yeah, the monkey and the cat are still inside the gourd.

Vali shrugs his shoulder.

“The two of you should stay inside there for a while. The Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King, I’ll be borrowing this gourd for a while. It seems like it’s useful for training these two clowns. It seems like it’ll work as a place where they can reflect on their mistakes.”

[Are you being serious, Vali!? Are you mad at us!? Is it because we got sucked in by this gourd!? We just let our guard down for a bit! We’ll win if we fight them again!]

[Nyaan! Leader, you idiot! I’m going to run to the place where Shirone is once I get out of here –nya!]

The two idiots are making excuses for their defeat from within the gourd.

“Seriously, lively things sure do happen when I’m in this team.”

“You are right about that, Onii-sama.”

It seems like the Pendragon brother and sister are having fun. Well, even though I’m dumbfounded, I don’t feel bad staying here.

Yeah, I even find it a bit more entertaining than the time when I was with my father Loki. This team must be the appropriate team to stay in if I want to kill time and stay as my interest.

Our White Dragon leader spins the thread attached to the gourd with the cat and monkey inside it with his finger.

“Alright, let’s go to our next destination.”

It seems like our journey is far from over.

That’s how many strong foes and mysteries this world is filled with—.